Unsafe Products in Hollywood and the Current Pandemic
Right now, many people are working to make money and with customers needing a range of products to stay at home, there are many products which may be cropping up in stores which are less than safe. More customers are also shopping online and this can mean they cannot always carefully check for the safety of products when they shop.
Unfortunately, this can mean a rise in unsafe products and even dangerous or defective items which can lead to burns, facial injuries, and other injuries:
- Medicines: When buying medicine, always buy from a reputable pharmacy. Chances are, if you are isolating or in quarantine, your pharmacy can deliver. Right now, there are many “natural” products and even “medicine” alleging to help prevent COVID-19 or cure it, but there are no known cures or preventives. If you’re in doubt about a product, contact your pharmacist to ask about a product.
- Unsafe tests: With few tests available, some online stores are offering tests for COVID-19. These are unproven and in some cases may be unsafe. If you need to be tested for the novel coronavirus, contact your doctor’s office or a physician to get the proper test.
- Fake wipes and cleaners: Right now, there is a shortage of cleaners and wipes and this means some people are selling home-made or counterfeit products online. Always buy cleaners from brands you trust and from reputable retailers. If there is a shortage in your area, you can make your own cleaners. When you do, make sure to follow guidelines and never mix bleach with vinegar or ammonia, as this can produce dangerous fumes.
- Unsafe medical devices: There are no known cures for COVID-19, so avoid any devices claiming to help with treatment of this virus. If you need to purchase medical devices for an existing condition, make sure you shop from trusted retailers.
- Unsafe products generally: Right now, many fraudsters are trying to make money and this can mean counterfeit products and unsafe items may be for sale, especially with shortages in some areas. This is a good time to focus on needs rather than wants and to patronize reputable brands and stores. Be sure to read labels carefully and if something seems suspicious in any way, pass it up.
If you have been injured by an unsafe product you have purchased, you may have a product liability claim. Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood unsafe product attorney. Our legal team can help you determine if you have a claim and how much your claim may be worth, so you understand the next steps you can take.