How to Cope With the Long Wait for a Personal Injury Claim

If you have been in a truck accident in Hollywood or another serious accident and have made the decision to pursue a legal claim, you are probably eager to get compensation and have the legal issue handled. Unfortunately, a legal claim can take months or years to work its way through the legal system.


It can be difficult to wait, but there are several ways you can make the process a little easier:

1) Do what you can to build a strong case. As soon as you are in a motorcycle crash in Hollywood or another situation where there may be a legal claim, start thinking like a lawyer. Keep copies of everything related to the situation – such as police records, medical records, and text results. Get contact information of any witnesses and take photos of the accident scene, if you can, as well as photos of the surrounding area, your injuries, and anything else that is relevant. Don’t worry if you don’t have this information, but if you do it can be useful for your case.

2) Work with the right attorney. An attorney experienced in personal injury cases in Hollywood that are similar to yours will know the specific laws and rules that govern legal claims similar to yours. A good lawyer will make you feel comfortable and will be committed to pursuing justice on your terms.

3) Keep communication open with your attorney. The legal process can take a long time, so calling your lawyer constantly will likely not help you find out more information. If you have questions, contact your attorney. When you do have an appointment, be sure to ask when updates about the case will be available and what the process is at the law firm for getting updates.

4) Be wary about anything that could affect your case. Keep in mind that seemingly innocuous things could affect your case. For example, if you are pursuing a bicycle accident claim in Hollywood and have sustained a soft tissue injury, be wary of posting pictures on your social media that show you on vacation having a great time. Even if you are only having fun because you happen to have one day where you feel better, it can easily be misinterpreted.

5) Focus on healing and your life. Rather than thinking about your trial and legal battle all the time, set personal goals and focus on healing. If you have sustained a head injury in Hollywood or another serious injury, you will need much of your energy for healing. If you are working with a good personal injury lawyer, he or she will be able to handle all the details of your case so that you can focus on your life.

6) Find ways to reduce the financial burden. Being seriously injured in a traffic collision in Hollywood or being seriously injured in any way can be expensive. You may have medical bills to pay as well as your daily expenses and you may not be able to return to work yet. You may need to reduce spending and focus on keeping your bills current (rather than paying them off entirely) for now. If you are struggling financially, you will want to speak to your attorney about it to review your options.

If you would like to speak to an attorney about your injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a no-cost, no obligation case consultation.