What If PIP Coverage Won’t Cover My Hollywood Car Accident Injuries?

At Flaxman Law Group, this is a question we hear often. The reality is that most drivers expect their insurance company to take care of them after a Hollywood car crash. It’s why drivers pay increasingly high insurance premiums—so they can get help when they need it.

If you’re in a Hollywood car accident and you’re worried about how much your insurance may give you for your claim (or maybe you’ve already been given a lowball offer), reach out to us at Flaxman Law Group. Our family-based law firm includes a father-son attorney team and we treat you like family, too. We’re pleased to be able to offer a free accident consultation if you’re injured so you get to speak with a lawyer who can answer your questions and can evaluate your potential claim. You can call us at 866-352-9626 to reach a live person 24/7 or contact us online to set up your free accident consultation.

What Is PIP?

In Florida, a “no-fault” car insurance law means that after some crashes you can only file for no fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. While this means that your insurance company should pay you coverage, no matter why a collision happened, many drivers and occupants injured in crashes have a hard time getting their rightful benefits and compensation.

What If My PIP Doesn’t Cover My Injuries?

If you’re in a serious car accident, it likely won’t. In Florida, most drivers are required to carry $10,000 in PIP as well as a minimum of $10,000 in Property Damage Liability (PDL). Since insurance premiums are quite high, many car owners try to manage their costs by choosing these minimums to save money.

However, the costs of a car accident can be much higher. The average cost of an ER visit in Florida, for example, is over $3,000. An MRI can cost from $300 to over $700. Repairing your car after a serious accident can cost $5000 or more. This doesn’t take into consideration the many additional and long-term costs of your collision. PIP and PDL, for example, don’t replace lost income if you’re away from work because of your injury. Yet, you may need to replace your lost wages to pay the bills.

So, what can you do? There are options and to find out what is possible for you, you may want to consult with a Hollywood car accident claims lawyer. An attorney can examine your policy and can negotiate with your insurance company to make sure you get the money you should.

In addition, a lawyer can help you understand whether you have other options for seeking compensation. For example, you may be able file a claim against the at-fault driver, the property owner where the accident took place, the car manufacturer, and anyone else whose negligence led to your injuries. If you do file a claim, your lawyer can take care of all the details, from negotiating a settlement to filing all the paperwork and presenting the evidence to taking your case before a judge, if necessary.

Once you accept insurance money, you may have signed away your rights to pursue some compensation, so you’ll want to consult with a Hollywood car accident claims attorney as soon as possible after your collision. Flaxman Law Group makes it easy by keeping our phone lines staffed 24/7. No matter when your accident takes place, you can always reach us at 866-352-9626. Contact us now to schedule your consultation.