Why Construction Workers Need Injury Lawyers in Miami

If you have been injured on a construction site in Miami or any other community, you may want to consult with a local personal injury attorney. While you may assume that your employer or insurance will cover the costs of your injury, there are many important reasons why you will want to speak with a lawyer before making any important decisions in your case.

1) Workers compensation in Miami and other cities may not cover all the costs of your injuries. In many cases, there is a cap on payouts and insurance coverage is limited. If you have sustained a serious injury that will require months or years of healing, workers compensation and other insurance may not cover all the lost income and medical costs of your injury. Any costs not covered will need to be covered by you. Also, keep in mind that if you do accept any insurance money you may be signing away some of your rights to pursue legal action later. Because of this, it is important to consult with an attorney soon after your accident – before you make any decisions or sign any paperwork.

2) Injuries on construction sites after often preventable. Incorrect supervision on Miami construction sites, product defects, and other issues often cause these workplace accidents. Since these accidents are preventable and caused by recklessness or negligence, holding the responsible parties liable is important. It can not only provide a sense of closure, but it can also help bring about important safety changes so that others are not harmed in a similar way.
3) There may be multiple liable parties. This is actually good news; it means that the costs of recovering fair compensation may be higher. However, multiple liable parties in this type of case can also mean more complex legal issues, especially if some of the parties – as is often the case – are powerful corporations with entire legal teams at their disposal.

4) The injuries caused by construction site accidents can be catastrophic. Crane accidents in Miami, electrocutions, burns, nail gun accidents, and scaffolding accidents are some of the more common accidents to occur on the city’s construction sites. These accidents can cause a lifetime of suffering and medical costs. It often requires a personal injury attorney in Miami or your community to help you fight for the fairest compensation possible.

5) You will likely face reduced income as well as considerable medical costs. You may never be able to return to your regular job again. You may be unable to work or you may need to take on lower-paying work due to your injuries. Insurance will not cover the costs – but compensation from a legal claim may. Attorneys can fight for your rights so that if you are eligible more of these costs will be paid by liable parties – not by you.

If you think you have a claim after being injured in the workplace, contact the Flaxman Law Group at any time. The Flaxman Law Group legal team can offer over-the-phone advice and can arrange for a free, no obligation case evaluation so that you can discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney.