Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney in a Mesothelioma Case

Being diagnosed with Mesothelioma is a terrible and traumatic event. Mesothelioma is a particularly painful and dangerous form of cancer, one that has a very low survival rate. As well, Mesothelioma is caused specifically by asbestos exposure. When asbestos fibers are broken down, they can become airborne and inhaled. These tiny molecules can then lodge in the system and develop very gradually into Mesothelioma, a type of cancer that aggressively attacks the linings of major organs, such as the lungs. It can be very frustrating for a Mesothelioma patient to realize that they have developed a fatal disease due to exposure to a product.

The especially tragic thing about Mesothelioma cases is that they are preventable. Manufacturers and users of asbestos products knew for some time that these products were dangerous to human health. However, due to the profits of asbestos products and due to the high-resistance of these products and their affordability, they continued to be used. Even today, asbestos products are not banned outright. As a result, many Florida residents have been exposed to this very dangerous substance.

In South Florida, especially, there have been more than 40 sites identified as locations where asbestos exposure has occurred. These sites include schools, power generating stations, chemical companies, and public buildings. In many cases, the cancer only appears decades after exposure, which means that an investigation is often needed to help determine the source of the exposure. As well, these cases often cause class action lawsuits, as multiple persons are exposed to dangerous asbestos – and suffer the health effects – long after they are no longer working around the asbestos fibers.

If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, it is a good idea to speak with a qualified Mesothelioma attorney at once. Even if you are not sure that you want to pursue a legal action, you will want some legal advice before you make any decisions. In many cases, Mesothelioma patients encounter large medical costs during their treatment and are unable to work due to Mesothelioma, losing income. As well, Mesothelioma patients in Florida tend to be young, with many years of work before them. The Mesothelioma diagnosis robs them and their families of income and financial stability.

A good Florida Mesothelioma attorney can ensure that you have the best chance possible of getting the financial support you may be entitled to under the law. As well, a good Mesothelioma attorney can help you find out where you were exposed to asbestos. This can be important for your own peace of mind and can also help others who also may have been exposed to the same asbestos source.

If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, contact the Flaxman Law Group today. The Flaxman Law Group has extensive experience with Florida personal injury and Mesothelioma cases in Miami, Hollwyood, Homestead, and other South Florida communities. Contact our legal team today to arrange for a free initial consultation to discuss your case.