Does Workers’ Comp Protect You After a Job Injury?

Workers compensation is an insurance program covered by your employer. Whether you work for a nonprofit or work part-time or for a small business, you’re supposed to be covered. If you’re injured on the job or if your job causes an illness which prevents you from working, workers’ compensation is supposed to cover part of your wages as well as your medical costs.


Workers compensation coverage was created to help protect workers and their finances after serious on-the-job injury. In addition, workers’ compensation reduces the number of lawsuits against employers — since employees have the money they need to pay for losses they don’t have to go to court.

How Covered Are You?

Unfortunately, even if you’re covered by workers’ compensation, it doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get it. When you’re injured on the job, you have to apply for the benefits. If you have sustained an on-the-job injury, you need to report the injury immediately and ensure your employer files the correct paperwork. In addition, you need to be evaluated medically by an approved doctor to ensure there is medical evidence of your injury.

Keep in mind, too, that wage loss benefits do not cover your full paycheck. In addition, your employer or their insurer may claim you are not so injured you cannot return to work or may try to deny some of your claims. They may dispute, for example, some of the medical treatment you need.

Other things may go wrong, too. Even though your employer is required by law to carry insurance coverage, they may not. Some employers allege an illness or injury is not as serious as claimed or is not covered for a specific reason. Some employers, for example, misclassify their workers as contractors to avoid having to pay for coverage.

If you have been denied your rightful benefits, work with a workers’ compensation attorney in Hollywood or your community to secure benefits.

What can go Wrong?

Even if you qualify for workers’ compensation, there is no guarantee you will receive it. In some cases, legitimately injured workers are denied benefits or find their benefits are cut off prematurely. A doctor hired by the insurance company may claim a worker is able to return to work, for example, even if this is not the case.

Even if you get benefits, there is no guarantee they will continue for the duration of your illness or injury – even though they should.

If you have been denied rightful benefits or if your benefits are in danger of being terminated, contact a workers’ compensation attorney.  A workers’ compensation attorney — such as the team at Flaxman Law Group — can help you fight back against unfair practices or illegal practices preventing you from getting coverage. For example, has your employer told to you don’t qualify for workers compensation or aren’t covered? If your employer isn’t paying for workers compensation coverage for you, they may be breaking the law and there may be legal options for you. No matter what your situation is, if you’re not getting the workers’ compensation you are entitled to, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free case review.