Can Mobile Scales Reduce Miami Springs Trucking Accidents?

Law enforcement officials in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania have a newly equipped pick-up truck to help track down trucks with safety violations. The pick-up truck can travel to any roads where trucks with safety violations have been spotted. The truck is equipped with mobile scales and other equipment that can help detect trucks that are carrying more than their allowed weight or are guilty of other traffic violations. Could similar devices help prevent Miami Springs truck accidents, too?

The specially-equipped pick-up truck is impressive because it allows law enforcement officials to travel in order to find possible risky drivers and trucks. While there are scales along many roads, these stationary scales only catch those drivers who travel along those roads. If truck drivers take alternate or back roads, they may be able to elude the scales. With the new pick-up truck, law enforcement officials can find possible trucks in violation of safety codes and this makes it harder for trucks to evade the law.

Mobile scales may be important in preventing Miami Springs traffic accidents involving trucks because overweight trucks are a serious concern and a major cause of collisions. Heavier loads can cause extra pressure on brakes and tires, leading to Miami Springs tire blowouts, brake failure, and other incidents that can lead to accidents. Trucks that are over the maximum allowable weight are simply more likely to be in an accident and may cause serious Miami Springs head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and even fatalities.

While there are laws in place to prevent trucks from carrying more than the maximum allowable weight, enforcing these laws can be challenging. Scales located on highways are designed to help spot trucks who exceed weight limits. However, truck companies may have financial motive to add weight to their trucks – making one large shipment can be less expensive and less time-consuming than making multiple smaller shipments. In addition, sometimes honest mistakes lead to a truck being weighted down past allowed weight limits. Trucks who take back roads or less-used roads rather than highways with scales may not be weighed by traditional scales and their hazard may go by undetected. Mobile scales could help with this problem, some experts believe.

The specially-equipped truck is actually not much different than law enforcement officials having breathalyzer tests in cruisers to prevent Miami Springs drunk driving accidents. Both devices are designed to help ensure that drivers are meeting safety regulations and are taking the steps necessary to stay safe on the roads.

If you have been injured in a Miami Springs truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free accident consultation to discuss your case with a personal injury attorney. If your injuries were caused by negligence, you may be entitled to compensation that can help pay for medical costs, car repairs, lost income, and other expenses you may have incurred. Consider your rights carefully before you make any final decisions in your case – your decision could affect your finances for years to come. The Flaxman Law Group is happy to discuss your case with you if you need help making an informed decision in your case.