Young Drivers and Car Accidents in Cooper City

Every day, about seven teens are killed and hundreds suffer serious injuries nationwide due to car accidents, according to the CDC. While teens see getting a driver’s license as a rite of passage and a way to get freedom, getting behind the wheel is often the most dangerous thing drivers do everyday, and these motorists face additional risks when compared with other users of the road.

Young Driver Risks

Young driver risks include:

  • Inexperience. Younger drivers have had less experience on the road and this can mean they are still developing good driving habits. A younger driver may simply not be ready for some road conditions.
  • Night driving. Younger motorists are more likely than their older counterparts to be in collisions late at night.
  • Fatigued driving. Teens have a lot on their plates. They may have part-time work, schoolwork, after-school activities, college applications, and other stressors, all of which can affect sleep and can make it harder to drive safely.
  • DUIs and drug use. Underage drinking and drug use are unfortunately common, and they can be especially deadly when combined with the inexperience of younger drivers.
  • Passengers. Teen passengers can increase the risk of a young driver being in a car accident, in part because they can increase distraction and in part because they can exert peer pressure to take risks.
  • Distraction. Teens may have a hard time putting down their phone and may get distracted by texts, music, or apps.
  • Lack of seat belts. Teens have the lowest rate of seatbelt use among drivers. In an accident, this can put young drivers at risk of being thrown from the car and suffering serious injuries.
  • Older cars. First-time drivers may get an older car from family or may save up for a used car with their part-time earnings. If driving an older car, teens may have fewer newer safety features and may be driving a vehicle which may not respond as well, especially if the car is not carefully maintained.

Young Drivers May be Unfairly Blamed for Car Collisions

While younger motorists may have more risk factors, they are not always to blame for a car collision. Unfortunately, after a crash it’s not uncommon for them to be blamed, even if the other driver was at fault.

If you are the parent of a young driver, teach your teen to avoid getting into a conversation at any car accident site. Encourage them to get insurance information from the other driver and contact information of any witnesses and to take photos of the scene. Knowing what to do after a crash can help your teen stay calm and gives them the information they need to protect themselves.

If your teen has been injured in a crash, it’s important to find out who was really at fault. If you’d like to know whether you may have a claim, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Cooper City car accident injury claims attorney. Our team has more than 60 years of experience and we treat each injured person we work with with kindness and dignity. With a track record of securing over $100 million in wins for our clients, we also have the trial and settlement experience you may be looking for. Contact us today and let’s discuss your potential claim.