Your Age Can Affect Your Likelihood of Surviving a Car Crash in Miami
A new report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), based on 50 years of accident information, reveals that different age groups have different chances of surviving a car accident. If you are in a car accident in Miami or anywhere in Florida, these numbers could be significant:
•Female motorists between the ages of 21 to 30 have a 29.2 percent higher risk of being killed in a car accident than male motorists in the same age group involved in similar accidents.
•By age 70, women and men have the same risk of sustaining fatal injuries in a car collision.
•Female motorists between the ages of 65 and 74 have a 1.4 percent lower risk of being killed in a car collision when compared with male motorists in the same age group involved in similar accidents.
•The overall risk of female passengers and drivers being killed in a car accident in 17% higher when compared with male passengers and drivers in the same accident.
•The overall risk of being killed in a car accident increases with age. A 75-year-old male driver or passenger is four times more likely to die in a car accident when compared with a 21-year-old female in the same type of collision. A 75-year-old male driver or passenger is five times more likely to die in a car accident when compared with a 21-year-old male in the same accident.
•Between 1995 and 2002, the risk of sustaining fatalities in a car accident for all age groups decreased 42%.
According to the NHTSA, the numbers can be explained by physical differences over time and between men and women. Younger women, for example, are smaller than men, generally, of the same age. In a car accident, this can mean that women are more likely to be thrown from the car and more likely to sustain life-threatening head injuries in Miami or their community. For older drivers, female drivers and passengers have a slightly lower fatality rate, according to the NHTSA, because women in their later years tend to be healthier, on average, than their male counterparts. Across all age groups, car accident fatalities have declined in part due to more universal seat belt use and car safety improvements.
Of course, age alone does not determine one’s ability to survive a traffic accident in Miami or any community. There are many things that individuals can do at any age to increase their chances of surviving a car or truck accident in Miami or their community. For example, wearing a seat belt and getting proper driver training can reduce the risk of serious injury. Following the rules of the road and driving carefully can also reduce the risk of being in a car collision in the first place. Motorists at all age groups can also take care of their physical fitness and their health to improve their chances of surviving an accident.
If you have been injured in a car accident anywhere in South Florida, contact the Flaxman Law Group if you would like a free case review. The Flaxman Law Group has been part of the Miami community for years and has seen firsthand the devastation that a serious car crash can have. If you have been affected by a car accident injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group today for a no-cost consultation.