Premises Liability

Property owners not only enjoy the pleasure and financial stability of owning real estate, but they also have obligations. Owners of property have an obligation to take reasonable measures to prevent harm to the visitors and tenants on their property. This can mean clearing obstructions so that no slip and fall accidents occur, it can mean keeping pets secured so that dog bites cannot occur, or it can mean taking care of a property so that no one is exposed to toxic or hazardous substances such as lead or mold. When a property owner is negligent and a person in injured on the property, the owner may be held legally responsible for the accident. If you have suffered an injury on someone’s property, you may be entitled to legal help to cover the costs of your medical bills, lost earnings, disfigurement, emotional distress or any permanent physical disability you have suffered. Call the qualified Florida attorneys at Flaxman Law Group to learn about your legal options.

If you have a premises liability claim, it is important to seek qualified attorney help. In Florida, your attorney must prove that the property owner created unsafe conditions or failed to maintain the property adequately. This requires experience and a good investigative eye. Your lawyer may also need to prove that the owner knew about the dangers on the property and did not take action to prevent an accident. Depending on the case, an attorney may need to prove that the owner created unsafe conditions that might attract children or otherwise acted negligently.

At Flaxman Law Group, we have been able to get real results for survivors of accidents involving premises liability claims. Recently, we were able to win a $3.8 million settlement on behalf of a family whose 4 year old boy nearly drowned. The boy was able to enter a pool area unattended because of a defective gate. The experienced team at Flaxman Law Group was able to show that the landlord knew the gate was broken and had been repeatedly warned about it. Despite this, we failed to fix it, leading to the boy’s injuries.

In premises liability cases, it is important to get help so that you can get the assistance you are entitled to under the law. We can help you get assistance so that you can pay for medical bills, lost income, and other expenses you incur because of the accident. You should not pay for someone else’s negligence with a painful injury or accident — call us to protect your future and to protect others from the same negligence. If you have suffered an injury due to a property owner’s negligence, phone us at 866-352-9626 or contact us online for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. We can help you understand all your legal options so that you can make an informed decision about what you want to do next.