Ways You Can Harm Your Car Accident Claim, Without Knowing It
If you’ve been in a car accident, you want to make sure that you maximize the compensation you can get. Anything that’s not covered, including medical bills and lost wages, will come out of your pocket. This can add up to thousands, tens of thousands of dollars, or even more.
Unfortunately, there are simple and seemingly innocuous things you can do that can harm your chances of getting fair compensation for your injuries. Let’s look closer at some of them.
- Not calling an attorney. While your insurance company may express a lot of compassion about your injuries and your car accident, their main goal is to satisfy their shareholders. To do this, they have a financial incentive to settle claims as quickly and inexpensively as possible. Calling an attorney is one of the ways you can make sure there is someone working on your side and for your best interests, seeking fair compensation.
- Not calling an attorney soon enough. The sooner you call an attorney, the quicker your lawyer can start working on securing evidence, providing you with advice, and making sure that your rights to compensation are protected. There is a statute of limitations in Florida which places a limit on how long you have to file a claim. In addition, evidence starts to go missing almost right away. And, once you sign paperwork from the insurance company or even talk to them, you may have already impacted your case. You want to contact an attorney as soon as possible.
- Not documenting everything. Documentation can help prove what happened. Take photos at the car accident scene, get the contact information of any witnesses, write down anything you can remember, and keep receipts for everything. While your attorney may not be able to use every piece of information, having plenty of evidence and documentation can make a big difference.
- Talking about your case. Discussing your car accident on social media, with friends, in depth with the insurer, or with the driver at the scene, can all harm your case. The person you should be talking in depth with about your car accident is your attorney. He or she can advise you about what you can and can’t say and what you should and shouldn’t post on social media.
If you’re injured in a car accident and need to speak with a car accident attorney, contact Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 at any time, 24/7, or contact us online to schedule a free accident consultation with our team.