Getting Back Behind the Wheel After a Trucking Accident

After a trucking accident, getting back behind the wheel of a vehicle can be scary. In addition to the physical personal injuries trucking accidents cause, these accidents also cause trauma. It is not unusual for victims to experience insomnia, panic attacks, and other serious emotional upheavals and stresses after a trucking accident. Getting back into a car or truck is often difficult both for truck drivers and passenger car drivers who have been in a trucking accident. Here are a few ways drivers can make the transition less stressful:

1) Don’t rush it. For the first while after a trucking accident, consider taking public transportation, taxis, or relying on carpooling. Getting back behind the wheel too soon can spark fears, panic attacks, and other stresses. Allow yourself to heal fully – both physically and emotionally – before attempting to drive again.

2) Seek medical help. Make sure that you get a full physical by a qualified doctor after your accident. Keep in mind that some injuries — such as spinal cord injuries, whiplash, brain injuries, and even deep burn injuries – may affect your ability to drive. Discuss driving with your physician and ask when it is physically safe for you to resume driving.

3) Talk to an attorney. Speaking to a Florida personal injury attorney is often cathartic for many truck accident victims. A good personal injury attorney can help you understand what has caused an accident. This can help you feel more in control and more able to understand the accident. An attorney can also help ensure that you don’t blame yourself if an accident was not your fault.

4) Talk to a therapist or counselor. If it has been a few weeks and you still feel anxious or nervous, speak to a counselor or qualified therapist. These professionals are here to help and they can help you sort out your conflicting feelings about the accident and about driving.

5) Start slow. Avoid taking a long car trip soon after a trucking accident. Instead, start with very short drives along familiar streets and build your way up to longer drives. If you start to feel panic, pull over and wait for the feeling to pass before driving back home. Wait until you feel comfortable with short drives before attempting longer drives.