Tire Problems and Florida Truck Accidents
Many Florida car accidents involve not only trucks, but problems caused by truck tires. There are many issues which can cause accidents:
1) Tires exploding. If you’ve ever driven behind a big wheel truck and have seen one of its tires fall apart, you know how frightening it can be. Rolls of rubber come flying at your passenger vehicle, and there’s often no room to react, especially on the highway. You may simply drive over the pieces of shredded tire. If you are unfortunate, the shredded tire may hit your windshield, obscuring your view. It’s easy to see how this can cause an accident. A tire coming off a truck can also cause the truck driver to lose control of the vehicle.
2) Tire defects. Tire manufacturers do a great deal to prevent defects from getting into their products. However, defects do occur. Tiny, invisible defects can cause a tire to come apart on the road, explode, or otherwise function incorrectly. When this happens, drivers can lose control of the truck, the truck may roll over, and many other types of accidents can occur. Even if that tire is without defects, it can become defective if it is stored incorrectly or stored for an extended period of time, allowing the rubber to disintegrate.
3) Tire problems caused by truck accidents and truck debris. Sometimes, the problem is not truck tires themselves, but rather the damage that trucks can do to passenger vehicle tires. Truck accidents, for example, can rip out the surface of a road, affecting passenger vehicle tires and even causing accidents. If a truck is carrying sharp objects and these fall off onto the road, it can cause the tires of passenger vehicles to become damaged, potentially causing accidents.
4) Tires coming off trucks. If truck tires are not correctly secured, they may literally fly off the truck, hitting oncoming cars and causing chaos on the road. While fortunately such accidents are rare, when they do occur there is a high probability of fatalities and serious injuries.
If you have been injured in a Florida truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group for immediate advice and assistance. With offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami, Florida, the Flaxman Law Group is proud to serve the entire South Florida community. Call the Flaxman Law Group today to arrange for a free initial consultation to discuss your case.