Can Your Twitter and Facebook Page Harm Your Miami Truck Accident Case?
Today, millions of Americans use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and other sites. Usually, these sites are a harmless way to stay in touch with friends and a fun way to share photos and ideas. However, if you have been in a Miami truck accident and have sustained injuries, your social networking activities can be harmful in a number of ways:
1) You never know who is reading. Insurance carriers and attorneys frequently use private investigators to look into the legitimacy of insurance claims. Private detectives increasingly use social networking sites to check up claimants. If you claim to be very injured but your blog or Twitter account shows you traveling, this could harm your claim. In some cases, private investigators will even befriend you on social networking sites to get more information. It is important to keep in mind that anything you post on a social media site is very public.
2) Innocuous comments and pictures may be skewed. You don’t have to write or post anything very suspicious on your social networking site for the site to impact your claim. In many cases, quite innocent photos and comments may be skewed to make your claim seem suspect. For example, if a friend shows up at your home after you are injured by a Miami car accident to cheer you up, those photos on a social networking site can make it appear as though you are throwing a party while claiming to be injured.
3) Social networking sites go back a long time. Many Internet users do not realize that virtually anything posted online is archived – for a long time. Posts that you made years ago about other injuries or other claims may be a boon to an insurance company now. This is another reason to be very honest with your insurance
4) You cannot control what others post on your site. While you may be cautious about what you post on your social networking sites, your friends and family may be posting comments and photos which could harm your case or which can be skewed to harm your case.
If you have sustained injuries in a Miami traffic accident, it is important to be aware of your online profile and your online participation in social media sites, even if you use a pseudonym or anonymous user name online. If you have a social networking presence, you may want to discuss this with your Miami truck accident attorney. Your attorney may ask you to refrain from posting anything on your social media sites while your case is pending or may give you some advice about what you should and should not be posting. Make sure that you follow these guidelines to the letter.
Whether you are online or not, if you have sustained injuries in a Miami truck accident, you will need a qualified Miami personal injury attorney with experience in these types of cases. A qualified attorney can negotiate with insurance carriers in your behalf, can investigate the causes of the accident and can pursue all liable parties so that you get the fairest compensation possible for lost income, medical bills, and other costs related to your injury.
The legal team at Flaxman Law Group has already successfully worked with thousands of South Florida personal injury plaintiffs. If you need a qualified attorney, contact the Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation to discuss your case with our legal team.