Insurance Disputes Are Common After A Truck Accident In Hollywood

If you have been in a truck or car accident in Hollywood, you may assume that your car accident insurance policy will help cover you. After all, you probably spend considerable amounts of money paying your premiums. Unfortunately, many victims find that after a serious truck accident, they have a hard time collecting money from their insurance companies.

Truck accidents in Hollywood often lead to devastating and even permanent injuries. In these cases, it can be difficult for victims to get fair compensation just by consulting with their insurance companies and without working with a personal injury attorney in Hollywood or their community. The high costs of these injuries can mean that insurance companies try to resolve the claims for less than the full value of the claim. Quite simply, insurance companies are in the business of making money and large claim amounts are costly to these companies.


There are many reasons for insurance disputes after a truck accident:

•Insurance companies may undervalue the damages and injuries
•Insurance companies may fear the very high cost of the injuries and may allege that the injured party was not as seriously injured as they indicated
•Insurance companies may allege that the claim is fraudulent
•Insurance companies may claim that the injuries are not covered by the insurance policy
•Insurance company may claim that the policy is invalid for some reason
•Insurance companies may delay paying the claim amount for another reason
•Health insurance companies may allege that some injuries are the result of a pre-existing medical condition
When you are in a serious accident and you are an insurance policyholder, of course you expect your insurance company to honor your policy. When this does not occur, it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney in your community. You may have an insurance dispute claim in Hollywood or your community if your insurance company is not acting in good faith.

Even if your insurance company has made an offer, it is difficult to know whether they are undervaluing your injuries and damages without speaking with a personal injury attorney. Attorneys who have been working in the legal system for decades understand exactly how much typical injuries cost and can help you see exactly how much in lost wages you can expect to see with a specific injury as well as how many medical bills may mount up as a result of your injuries. This can help you evaluate your insurance company offers and can help you make the right decision when it comes to your future.

If you would like to speak with an insurance dispute attorney or personal injury attorney after your accident, contact Flaxman Law Group at any time to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation. The phone lines at Flaxman Law Group are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can always reach a live operator if you need over-the-phone legal advice or immediate assistance.