How Much Will Your Truck Accident in Homestead Cost You?

Being involved in a serious trucking collision in Homestead or another Florida community can be extremely traumatic and painful. If you were driving a passenger car or motorcycle at the time of the crash, the difference in size between a big rig or tractor trailer and your much smaller vehicle means that you and your passengers may have sustained serious or even life-threatening injuries in the crash.

These types of collisions, be they T-bone, broadside collisions in Homestead, or override accidents, tend to be very serious. They can and often do lead to fractures, whiplash, paralysis, amputation, and other serious injuries.

In the immediate aftermath of the crash, you may be mostly focused on the pain and medical emergency. However, you will quickly realize that traffic collisions in Homestead and across Florida are not just a health concern, but a financial concern as well. If you have sustained serious injuries in a traffic accident, you may face serious financial as well as health challenges as you recover.


Many people who have suffered injuries underestimate the likely total costs of their accident. If you have been seriously injured, you can expect to pay for a variety of expenses, including:

•Emergency medical treatment
•Hospital stays
•Visits to specialists
•Medical imaging and other diagnostic tests
•Medical devices and equipment, such as braces or crutches
•At-home care or assisted living expenses
•Property damage for anything damaged in the car accident
•Lost income
•Future expected medical expenses
•So-called cosmetic treatments, such as skin grafts for scarring
•Future medical replacement costs – such as the cost of replacing prosthetics every few years
•Car repair or car replacement costs
•The cost of car rentals or taxis while you recover
•The costs of making your home or car accessible as you recover
•Follow-up doctor’s visits
•The increased medical expenses over a lifetime if you need help managing a permanent injury
These expenses can very rapidly add up. A spinal cord injury patient in Homestead or Florida, for example, who has suffered a permanent and serious injury can expect to pay more than $100 000 in medical expenses in the first year of treatment alone. This does not include the costs of lost income, property damages, and other losses. A permanent injury can easily end up costing many hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars over a lifetime.

Even something such as a fracture or whiplash that is likely to result in full recovery can end up costing tens of thousands of dollars because you will need to pay for medical tests and doctor’s visits, car repair bills, lost time at work, and a host of incidental expenses.

Many people who have suffered a serious injury assume that their insurance company will pay for it. After all, that is why drivers pay their insurance premiums. Unfortunately, in some cases insurance carriers undervalue claims and patients end up with serious injuries and no way of paying for all their expenses.

Do not risk this situation. If you have been injured, contact a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community to find out whether you have a legal claim or other options for compensation.

If you are concerned about costs, Flaxman Law Group offers an initial consultation at absolutely no charge, so that you can learn how much your case may be worth and what legal options you may have. Contact Flaxman Law Group today for your free appointment.