Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Denver, CO

In Denver, motorcycles let you experience all the natural beauty of the city and surrounding areas. However, in a crash a motorcycle offers fewer protections than a car, meaning you’re more likely to be seriously injured—and therefore more likely to need motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle crash in Denver or any surrounding area, call Flaxman Law Group at 970-999-0530 for a free consultation. Our team has decades of combined experience and a track record of securing settlements and verdicts on behalf of our clients—including multi-million-dollar verdicts.

Seeking Help with a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Denver, CO

Unfortunately, after a car accident involving a motorcycle, it’s not uncommon for other drivers and other parties involved to point fingers. Even if you were riding responsibly, you may be accused of causing the accident. This isn’t just unfortunate—it could affect your ability to get fair compensation for your injuries.

Motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO can step in and make sure you aren’t held responsible for a crash that wasn’t your fault. More importantly, they can investigate your crash to find out what happened and represent you if you decide to pursue a claim. Your lawyer can build a strong case, negotiate with insurance companies for you, and even take your case all the way to court if that’s necessary.

Motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO take the burden off you. You don’t have to try to understand complex legal requirements or spend your time tracking down medical records. Your attorneys take care of all the details for you and seek the most generous compensation possible, so you don’t have to pay for the costs of your accident out of pocket.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Denver, CO

Truck accidents and car accidents involving motorcycles can be caused by many factors. In Denver, common causes of these crashes include:

  • Reckless driving. When drivers of cars and trucks drive recklessly, they can easily crash into smaller motorcycles. In some cases, they may not even see the smaller vehicles in their blind spots.
  • Car doors. One common problem happens when drivers open their car doors without checking for oncoming traffic. A motorcyclist may not have time to avoid a crash in these situations.
  • Mechanical issues. Motorcycle manufacturers have an obligation to design safe vehicles. When they’re negligent, motorcycles may not perform as intended, can be hard to control, or can be more prone to fires and other problems.
  • Poor road conditions. Larger cars can drive over spills, potholes, and other road problems relatively easily, but those same issues can cause motorcyclists to lose control of their vehicles.
  • Impaired and distracted driving. Cell phones and other distractions as well as drugs and alcohol make it hard to focus on road safety. When drivers choose to engage in these behaviors, they can be held liable for the injuries they cause.
  • Lane splitting. Lane splitting is when motorcyclists drive in between slow-moving or stopped cars, effectively sharing the lane with larger vehicles. The danger here is that if a car starts moving, it can easily sideswipe a motorcycle in the same lane. The driver might not even notice the motorcycle.

There are many dangers on the road, and no matter how careful you are on your motorcycle, you are at risk. Wearing a helmet, building your skills, and staying alert at all times can help you minimize the danger of injury.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Denver, CO

Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Most motorcycle accidents involve more than one vehicle. These include truck accidents and car accidents involving motorcycles. Typically in these collisions, one vehicle crashes into another. The danger here is that while the occupants of the car or truck are likely to be hurt, motorcyclists are often thrown from their vehicles and onto the road. They’re likely to be seriously injured.

There are also single-vehicle motorcycle accidents. These usually happen when a motorcyclist loses control of their vehicle. This can happen if the motorcycle skids on a slippery surface, for example, or if a motorcyclist is trying to avoid a crash.

Some motorcyclists think they don’t have a claim if there were no other vehicles involved, but this isn’t true. If your accident was caused by poor road maintenance, a mechanical flaw with your motorcycle, or another reason caused by someone’s negligence, you do have a legal claim. However, you will likely have to work with motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO to find out whether these issues contributed to your crash. An attorney can investigate why you lost control of your vehicle and can find any liable parties in your case. 

Common Injuries Seen in Motorcycle Accidents

Since there’s very little between you and the road, your injuries after a motorcycle accident may be serious. Common injuries in motorcycle crashes include:

  • Fractures. Broken bones can easily happen when you’re thrown from your motorcycle. You may try to brace yourself for the fall, which is why fractures affecting the hands, arms, and feet are especially common.
  • Head injuries. While wearing a helmet can reduce your risk, if you strike your head without enough force during a collision, you can still suffer a serious traumatic head injury (TBI).
  • Spinal cord injuries. The force of the impact can cause damage to your spinal cord, which can leave you paralyzed.
  • Amputations. In some motorcycle accidents, the motorcycle can roll over the rider, which can cause serious injuries to arms, legs, hands, and feet. Serious injuries to these areas can result in losing a partial or entire limb.
  • Lacerations. One of the most common injuries in motorcycle accidents are the scrapes, bruises, and cuts that happen when you’re thrown from the vehicle. You may effectively scrape against the asphalt before coming to a full stop, a situation that causes “road burn.” In serious cases, lacerations can lead to significant scarring and disfigurement.
  • Burns. Car gas tanks are hidden behind layers of metal, but motorcycle gas tanks have fewer protective barriers. In a crash, motorcycle gas tanks may be more likely to crack, spill, and leak, which can create the risk of a fire or explosion, which puts the rider at risk of serious burns.

Internal injuries. Being thrown from a motorcycle with force or having the motorcycle roll over you in a collision creates the risk of injuries to major organs, like the lungs, spleen, kidneys, and other organs.

Unfortunately, statistics show that motorcycle accidents are more likely than car accidents to lead to fatalities. If you lose a loved one in a motorcycle crash, you need to consult with motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO to find out whether you have a wrongful death claim.

How is Fault Determined in a Denver, CO Motorcycle Accident?

To file a claim against liable parties in your motorcycle accident case, you’ll first need to determine who the liable parties are. There may be multiple parties responsible for your accident and injuries. The most common at-fault party are other drivers. They may not be looking at the road or may be driving recklessly, which can cause an accident.

However, you shouldn’t overlook manufacturers. If your motorcycle or any motorcycle components don’t work correctly and this contributed to your crash and injuries, you may have a products liability claim against the manufacturer.

Property owners, too, can be held accountable for motorcycle accidents. If you were driving on private property that wasn’t reasonably maintained, you may have a premises liability claim against the owner.

Another common liable party in motorcycle accidents are governments. State and local governments may be responsible for maintaining roads, deciding on speed limits, and maintaining road signs. If you hit a pothole because the local government was negligent in maintaining the roads, you could have a claim. However, governments enjoy added protections from liability. With a claim against a government, you’ll have less time to file, for example.

It’s also important to look closely at any medical treatment you receive. If you were rushed to a local emergency room after your collision, did you receive the correct standard of care? Medical malpractice claims are common after serious crashes because busy emergency departments don’t always provide an adequate standard of care, especially for complex injuries. If you suffered an infection or complications during your recovery, you may want to speak with your lawyer.

Finding all liable parties is important to ensure you get the financial recovery you deserve. However, it’s not always easy to tell what happened in the seconds before your crash. Was another driver texting behind the wheel? Did a government recently move a road sign, leading to your crash?

Motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO help you uncover the facts, so you know who is liable for your injuries. Attorneys work with investigators and accident reconstruction experts, who use software to recreate what happened to cause a traffic accident. These resources can help you find all likely liable parties in your case.

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Comparative Negligence in Colorado

Colorado is a modified comparative negligence state. This means that if you’re found to have been partly at fault in causing your accident, your compensation will be reduced by that amount. However, if you are found to be as responsible for the accident as the defendants (or more responsible), you will get nothing.

For example, let’s say that you were driving on a road and speeding, then your brakes failed and you crashed. Whether you get any compensation depends on how at fault you were. If you are awarded $100,000 but are found 20% at fault and the manufacturer of the brakes is found 80% at fault, you get $80,000. However, if you are found 51% at fault, you will not get any compensation.

Type of Compensation for Motorcycle Accidents

If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident and your injuries are caused by a negligent party, you are eligible for compensation that helps you cover the costs of your injuries. You may be eligible to seek compensation for the following:

  • Lost wages, if you’ve had to lose work because of your injuries.
  • Future lost earnings you can expect to lose because of the seriousness of your injuries.
  • Medical bills, including any hospital stays, wheelchairs, rehabilitation and therapy or counseling.
  • Any future medical bills you can expect to pay for your injuries.
  • Personal property damage, including costs related to replacing or repairing your motorcycle, cell phone, and any other property damaged in the crash.
  • Extra costs, like the cost of taking a taxi home from the hospital or the price of installing a ramp in your home.

It’s not unusual for insurance companies and defendants to try to pay you less than you have lost. Paying more cuts into insurer’s profits, and they’re not legally obligated to act in your best interests.

You don’t want to be in a situation where you accept a lowball offer and then end up having to pay out of pocket for medical bills, lost income, and more. Before you make any decisions about what to do and before you make any statement to insurers, work with motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO to get an accurate estimate of what your injuries may cost.

Statute of Limitations for Motorcycle Accidents in Denver, CO

In Colorado, you have three years from the date of your accident to file a claim, though there are exceptions. If you wait past this date, you may lose your right to compensation.

While three years can seem like a long time, it’s important to take action right away. Working with motorcycle accident lawyers in Denver, CO can help you build a strong case and can ensure evidence doesn’t go missing.

Even if you’re not sure you’re ready to file a claim, contact the Denver offices of Flaxman Law Group for a free consultation with a motorcycle accident lawyer. We can explain what we may be able to do for you to get you fair compensation. Just call 970-999-0530 to reach us.


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