Back to School if You’re Recovering from a Car Accident in Homestead
If your children are headed back to school after the summer and you are recovering from a car accident, this time of year can pose additional challenges. Back to school means a time of transition, which can be a challenge if you’re already dealing with an injury. Your injury may also prevent you from helping your children as much as you generally would during this time of year.
Here’s how you can address some of these issues and how you can focus on recovery while also supporting your kids:
- Find a way to get your kids back to school: If you are accustomed to driving your children to school but now can’t drive because of your injuries, start thinking about how your children will get to school. Your children may have the option of taking a school bus or you may be able to arrange a car pool or transportation with friends or family members.
- Join a support group: With children in school, you have the opportunity to take part in a support group which can help you deal with empty nest syndrome if you are home and unable to work. A group can also help you focus on recovery from your injuries.
- Have a plan for your time: If during the summer you were able to spend more time with your children, you now have added time. Plan a way to spend your time productively, whether that means reading, getting additional skills, or focusing on your health.
- Talk to your attorney: If you have been injured, keep in touch with your attorney about options available for you. Your attorney may suggest back to school classes or training or may have updates about your case. Make sure you take the steps you need to get compensation for your injuries, mental suffering and other losses if the accident was the result of someone’s negligence or inattention.
- Focus on the next phase of your life: Back to school and fall are good times for a fresh start. Even if your life has permanently or significantly changed as a result of your injuries, now is the time to focus on what you can do for the next phase of your life. People in your support group may have ideas and this may be the time to read about others who have gone through a severe accident and have come through to a new and better life.
- Keep alert for your mental state: Big changes can be traumatic, especially if you’re already dealing with the trauma of a car accident. If during this time of year you find yourself struggling, sleeping poorly, or notice changes to your appetite or moods, make sure you talk to a doctor or counsellor to get assistance if you need it.
Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood car accident attorney to get advice about your options if you have been injured. Our attorneys have offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami and may be able to visit you in your South Florida community if you cannot travel. Your first consultation with us is free and comes with no obligation.