Ways to Teach Your Children to Avoid Injury in Cars

Child passengers face some unique risks when it comes to Homestead car accidents. The smaller bodies of children are more likely to be adversely affected by crashes and children have little say about who drives them. Parents have a responsibility to ensure those who transport their children are safe.

Moreover, parents have a duty to teach car safety early. Children start learning about road safety long before they apply for a driver’s permit at age 16. Kids also need to learn how to stay safe around cars so they can safely navigate being a pedestrian. Here’s how you can make sure your children grow up ready to live near cars:

  • Teach children healthy respect for cars early: Children can always learn to be careful around cars. Younger children should be told to never play near or around cars. Since kids learn best by repetition, it is important to repeat this lesson often and to explain why they need to be careful in a matter-of-fact way. For example, you may explain to a child that “the driver cannot see you when you are here, behind the car.”
  • Model smart car behavior: Kids watch what you do. If you drive safely, your children will see that. It is also a good idea to go for walks and to model smart pedestrian behavior, such as looking both ways. Practicing good traffic habits in real-life can make smart decisions second nature to your kids.
  • Show your children how to be good passengers: Teach your children about the importance of safety belts and care seats early. Talk about how such devices help keep you safe. In addition, talk to your kids about other ways they can be great passengers. This can include keeping their hands in the car and not distracting the driver.
  • Talk about cars: Children have a natural curiosity and since they may be transported by car to school, appointments, and activities, it is natural for them to be curious. Start discussions about cars and what they do. Such talks can include an exploration of the benefits of vehicles as well as how to stay safe around them. Give your kids a chance to ask questions and research together to find the answers if you don’t know. Keep in mind your children get information about cars from lots of sources—including video games and movies, which may not always depict vehicles accurately. Make sure you give them good information to counter the other information they get.
  • Play age-appropriate games to teach safety: Young children can have fun playing a game of “stop when red, go when green.” Older kids can spot road signs on road trips and get familiar with what different signs mean. They can also start learning right-of-way rules and other rules of the road. Road Safety Week has a list of road safety games for kids of all ages.

If your child has been injured in a traffic collision, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood car collision attorney. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience and we have offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami to serve you better, no matter where you are in South Florida.