Herniated Discs are a Common Injury in Weston Car Collisions

Herniated discs are a common back injury in Weston traffic accidents. Unfortunately, this type of chronic back condition can lead to ongoing pain and permanent injury, which is why you may wish to contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Weston herniated disc claims attorney to discuss your case.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Your spine contains 24 vertebrae, which are bones which are cushioned by soft discs which allow for mobility. Discs allow your spine—and therefore, you—to move easily and to bend.

In some cases, a disc can start to slip out of place. When this happens, extreme pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility can happen because the nerves surrounding the disc get irritated. In many cases, once a herniated disc has happened, you may be more susceptible to slipped discs again, so long after your crash you may “throw” your back out again.

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

Age can lead to herniated discs, but putting extra pressure on your back in the workplace can lead to the problem. Weston car crashes can also lead to herniated discs and other back injuries. In a traffic collision, tears can form in the area surrounding the disc, which allows the center of the disc to push through and put pressure on surrounding nerves.

Suffering a Herniated Disc After Your Weston Car Crash?

A herniated disc can affect your life significantly. The condition can lead to chronic back pain and you can experience significant pain with any activity, even sneezing or sitting. Numbness, stiffness, and weakness of the back can also be an issue with this condition, which can affect your ability to work, take care of yourself, and even drive.

There are treatments available for a ruptured or slipped disc. A doctor will typically use imaging scans to diagnose the condition and will them recommend rest and pain management as well as physical therapy. In some cases, steroid injections and even surgery are needed to treat the condition.

Getting Compensation for a Herniated Disc

Time away from work and physical therapy along with the other treatments for a slipped disc can quickly become expensive. In some cases, patients need to rely on ride sharing and taxis and on personal care because the pain prevents them from completing basic tasks.

Seeking fair compensation helps you pay for all these costs, but unfortunately your car insurance company may be interested in resolving claims inexpensively and quickly, which could leave you with bills not covered by the compensation they are offering.

Have you suffered a back injury in a car accident? Would you like to know what fair compensation might be in your case? Would you like to know whether you have a claim or an option to negotiate with your insurer for fairer compensation? Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Weston car collision claims attorney.