ER Malpractice After a Car Accident
If you’re injured in a car collision in Hollywood or anywhere in Florida, there’s a chance you’ll be taken to the emergency room to be evaluated or to be treated for any serious injuries you’ve sustained. You expect quality care in the ER and in Southern Florida we’re lucky to have some top medical facilities. Despite this, some patients find that they’re misdiagnosed or get the wrong treatment in the ER after a collision.
If this happens to you, you’ll want answers. You may also need compensation to cover your medical bills, lost income, and any other losses you suffer. To speak with a Hollywood car accident claims lawyer about your questions, contact Flaxman Law Group for a consultation. Our family-based legal team has offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood to serve communities across the region.
Why Do Hollywood ER Medical Malpractice Claims Happen?
Emergency rooms in hospitals are busy spaces and they can especially become busy after a serious accident. If there are multiple injured parties or a chain reaction, multiple-car crash, especially, there may be many people needing immediate care.
Despite this, emergency rooms and the medical professionals staffing them owe a duty of care to their patients. Even during a busy time, you should expect quality medical care. If a serious condition is misdiagnosed or you’re given the wrong medication or another serious issue occurs, you could have the right to file a emergency room medical malpractice claim.
Types of ER Malpractice Claims After a Car Crash
Medical malpractice claims can involve many situations in an ER:
- Medical negligence by paramedics and emergency responders. From the moment emergency responders arrive at the car crash scene to help, they have a duty of care to you and anyone else who’s injured. If you suffer spinal cord injuries because you are moved incorrectly or if your injuries are made worse because first responders do not take due care, you may have a claim.
- Misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. If there is a chance you have hit your head, ER doctors should check for a serious head injury. No matter what your injuries, you may need imaging or other diagnostic tests to rule out serious injury. If a doctor fails to order the right tests, misdiagnoses you, or fails to read test results correctly, you may have a claim if you suffer injury because of the doctor’s actions (or failure to act).
- Failure to correctly treat injuries. You should receive the appropriate treatment for your injuries, whether that’s surgery, medication, or other interventions. When you don’t get reasonable treatment and suffer complications or further injury as a result, you may have a claim.
- Medication errors. Hospitals are expected to have processes in place to ensure you get the right medication, in the right dose, every time. Medication errors are completely preventable and can be the basis of a claim.
- Preventable infections. Hospital-acquired infections can include surgical site infections, catheter-associated UTIs, pneumonia, and Clostridium difficile infections. These are preventable and can lead to a claim.
- Wrong site surgery. Even if you’re rushed to the operating room after a car accident because you have sustained a serious brain injury or other injury requiring immediate surgery, it’s expected that your medical team will take care to make sure the correct site is operated on. If you suffer injury because of anesthesia, if you have surgery on the wrong site, or if you suffer post-operation injury, you may want to speak to a Hollywood accident attorney.
In fact, you may wish to speak with a Hollywood accident claims lawyer if you have any negative outcome after visiting the ER or urgent care center after a car collision. At Flaxman Law Group, our father-son attorney team understand it can be difficult to tell whether you have a medical malpractice claim. That’s why we offer a free consultation with an accident lawyer at our Hollywood, Miami, or Homestead offices. It allows you to ask questions and find out whether you have a case.
You can always reach us at 866-352-9626 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation with a Hollywood accident attorney.