Mistakes You May not Realize You’re Making with Your Car Claim

Being seriously injured in a car crash in Tamarac or any South Florida community can be devastating. You may be in significant pain and you may have the stress of having to take time away from work. You may also need to fill out insurance forms, make claims, and deal with doctors’ appointments as well as health concerns.


In this type of situation, it is easy for mistakes to be made, especially if you are unfamiliar with the injury and claims process. Some of the most common mistakes that people make after a serious car accident and injury include:

1) Not speaking to an attorney.

One of the first calls you should make is to a Tamarac personal injury attorney. Many people think that they don’t need legal advice because they believe that their case is straightforward. The reality is that few cases are completely simple. You may assume that you know what caused your accident, but a proper investigation may reveal that there were multiple liable parties or that you are entitled more compensation than you believed. Only by speaking with a skilled legal professional can you get the background information you need to fight aggressively for the fairest compensation possible.

2) Missing doctor’s appointments.

If you miss even one appointment, an insurer may claim that you were not hurt as badly as you claimed. Sometimes, if you are in pain it can be difficult to find the strength to head out to doctors’ appointments, especially if you need to see many specialists and doctors. However, it is important to show that you are committed to your health and that you are in need of medical care.

3) Apologizing.

It may be instinct to apologize at the scene of an accident, but unfortunately this can be easily misconstrued as accepting blame. At an accident scene, it is best to say as little as possible and to simply ask “How are you?” rather than offer any sort of apology. Stick to the facts.

4) Not involving the police.

Having a police report is an important way to establish facts. Police can also assist you with finding medical care and getting emergency responders to the scene if you need them.

5) Not keeping every piece of paper that may in have anything to do with your case.

You can never have too much documentation. Take pictures of the scene of the accident, keep receipts for any taxis you take to visit doctors, and keep any slip of paper or receipt after your accident. You may be able to claim many of these expenses if you decide to pursue a legal claim.

6) Talking to your insurance company first.

If you automatically say “fine” when the insurance company greets you and asks how your day is going, that may be used to argue that you are not so badly hurt, after all. Consider contacting an attorney first. An attorney can be the one to talk to your insurance company to help negotiate for fair benefits or can help you understand what you need to say to your insurance company to protect your rights.

7) Not being mindful of your social media or public presence.

Unfortunately, the things you say and do after your injury can be easily misrepresented. If you are in pain and decide to treat yourself to a vacation, posting pictures of your trip on social media does not minimize the seriousness of your injuries. Unfortunately, it can allow an insurance company to allege your injuries are not as serious as you claim. Talk to your attorney about ways to protect your rights and your claim.

If you need to speak to an attorney, contact Flaxman Law Group at any time for a free, no commitment case analysis.