Are Lighter Trucks Raising Crash Risks in Hollywood?
The NAFA Fleet Management Association has sent information to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, citing concern about studies for lighter single-unit trucks. According to a recent NTSB study, lighter trucks account for 9% of the nation’s accidents, even though they account for only 4% of vehicle mileage and 3% of vehicles.
The study also raised concerns about the fact that light trucks may be overlooked because inspectors do not always identify them correctly. According to federal regulators, lighter single-unit trucks carry up to 10 000 pounds and do not have trailers. While these can seem less daunting than tractor-trailers, however, they are still much larger than passenger cars and can cause traffic accidents in Hollywood and across the country. Lighter trucks are also subject to fewer regulations and can still carry dangerous substances, making them dangerous in car accidents in Hollywood and other cities.
According to the NAFA Fleet Management Association, the NTSB study had a few issues. The main one was that study did not distinguish between unmanaged and managed fleets of light trucks. Although light truck drivers do not need a commercial truck license, NAFA argues that managed fleets have more training and supervision of drivers and have better safety records. Another issue was that NAFA and its members were not included in the study of light trucks.
The NTSB suggested that more studies need to be done to consider whether stricter licensing is required for light trucks. The study’s authors also suggested that light trucks should have more safety features shared by larger commercial trucks. For example, the NTSB recommended under-ride guards to prevent under-ride accidents in Hollywood and other communities as well as reflective surfaces on truck corners.
What do you think? Do you think that lighter trucks should be regulated more closely? Although these trucks are smaller, they can still cause truck collisions in Hollywood and other cities. They are also still larger and may be more prone to rollovers and tire blowouts when compared with smaller vehicles. All trucks, even smaller trucks, have more blind spots and can be more awkward to navigate in traffic. In the news headlines, larger commercial trucks usually grab the spotlight, in part because the accidents involving these vehicles are so dramatic. However, even smaller vehicles can cause catastrophic injury and fatalities. Accidents involving lighter trucks can still cause head injuries, amputations, spinal cord injuries, burns, fractures, concussions, and many other serious injuries.
Have you been injured in a truck accident? The Flaxman Law Group is part of the Hollywood community and has seen firsthand the devastation that truck accidents and injuries can cause. Victims often struggle with pain, income loss, complicated medical treatments, and financial distress. Getting insurance money to pay for all income loss and medical treatment can be daunting. There is no need to go through the process alone. If you have been injured, schedule a free, no obligation consultation with the Flaxman Law Group today. The legal staff at the Flaxman Law Group have more than 60 years of combined experience helping accident and injury victims. As a full service law firm, the Flaxman Law Group can handle all the details.