Back-to-School Changes to Make Your Commute Safer

Now that we are headed back to school, most parents need to think about the school commute. For many children and families in Hollywood and South Florida, this is the riskiest part of the day. Heavy morning and afternoon traffic as well as congestion at school drop off and pick up zones can mean pedestrian accidents and car accidents are a greater danger.

School bus injuries, car accidents, and pedestrian accidents can lead to a range of devastating injuries, including head injuries, fractures, sprains and other serious injuries. During the school year, parents on the morning and afternoon commute are competing with other workers, other parents, and school buses who are all sharing the road. Here’s how to make your commute safer:

  • Get up early: Get up well before you have to leave so you are not tempted to drive too quickly. Getting up early also allows you to beat the traffic, which can help you avoid the riskiest part of the commute.
  • Have a morning routine: A morning routine means everyone knows what has to happen in the morning to get out of the house safely and ready for the day. A smart routine can also help prevent distraction and frenzied running around during the morning, which can increase the risk of falls and injuries at home.
  • Plan the night before: Put children’s homework, lunches, and clothes out the night before. This can help reduce the time you need to spend in the morning and can help you get out of the door early, which can help you avoid the heaviest and most dangerous traffic.
  • Set up alerts on your phone: Traffic? Bad weather? You want to know about it before you get on the road so you can adjust as needed.
  • Sign up for carpooling: Carpooling may take some of the stress off of you and ensures your children always have a way to get to school safely, even if you have a work function in the morning. Carpooling is also good for the environment and can reduce congestion at school drop off and pick up zones.
  • Get to know the pick-up and drop-off zone at school: If possible, visit your child’s school if there have been any changes or if your child is attending a new school. Understand the rules of this area.
  • Expect the unexpected: No matter how careful you are, children can run out into the road when they’re playing in front of the school or when they are headed to school. When you are driving to and from your children’s schools, put away distractions and put your full focus on the road. Be prepared for the unexpected.
  • Check your phone one last time before you go: Before you head out to pick up your children or drop them off, check your phone one last time for any changes of plans or traffic and weather updates. Before you get in the car place your phone on airplane mode so it cannot distract you while you’re driving.

Have you been injured by a reckless driver? Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood car accident attorney.