Beyond Truck Crashes: How Drivers Help Fight Human Trafficking

Truck accidents in Hollywood and across South Florida are a key concern for truck drivers who work long hours to get cargo to businesses and customers. Truck drivers have a high risk of on-the-job injuries and of traffic accidents because they spend so much time on the road. Even though they have more training than passenger car drivers, inclement weather, grueling schedules, human error, and the mistakes of other drivers put them at risk of injuries.

Truckers have made big changes over the years to reduce the risk of truck accidents. They have advocated for better and safer working conditions and changes to the industry to make the job safer. They have also fought back against lax training requirements.

However, truckers are doing more than trying to prevent truck accidents. Some are also working to stop serious crime on the road.

Truckers Hitting Back Against Trafficking

Human trafficking involves driving individuals across state lines for the purposes of forced sex work or for illegal immigration purposes. Trafficking is a serious concern because it not only hurts individuals involved but it also helps fund organized crime. Individuals who are trafficked are often transported via truck, car, or plane, and some truck drivers have been working together to help prevent this crime.

Truckers Against Trafficking is one organization committed to helping to stop human trafficking. This and other organizations raise money and advocate for changes to laws. They also help train truck drivers, members of the public, and others to be alert to the signs of trafficking so it can be reported when it occurs. Organizations such as this help truck drivers work with law enforcement to catch traffickers and rescue victims.

What You Can Do

Unfortunately, human trafficking occurs in all communities, including in Miami, Homestead, and other South Florida communities. If you want to make a difference, consider:

  • Educating yourself to recognize the signs of trafficking
  • Volunteering with an organization working to stop trafficking
  • Donating to organizations which fight this crime
  • Writing to your elected officials, requesting they get tougher with traffickers

If you have been trafficked and have been injured, contact law enforcement for assistance. Authorities can press criminal charges against the individuals who harmed you. In addition, you may have a civil claim against your abusers. To find out more, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free, confidential consultation with a Miami personal injury attorney.