Building a Personal Support Team After Your Trucking Accident

It is important not to be alone after a trucking accident. Unfortunately, many of the personal injuries which are commonly sustained in trucking accidents – including burn injuries, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and other personal injuries – tend to be quite isolating. Many people struggle to cope with their new injuries and may feel out of touch with their regular groups of friends. Some patients have a hard time adjusting to the way they look or the way that they function after trucking accidents, and this can make it hard for them to develop or keep supportive friendships. However, the emotional trauma of a trucking accident requires a strong team of support.

A good, supportive team can answer your questions about your injury, can help you through the difficult times following your accident, and can provide you with the resources you need to recover emotionally and physically from your accident. You should surround yourself with many types of people including:

1) Support groups. Support groups consisting of other accident survivors with similar injuries can be an invaluable source of support. These groups are often organized by local chapters and associations that advocate for accident victims. For example, if you have a spinal cord injury, there is likely an acute spinal cord injury support group in your area. This support group may be organized or associated with a local spinal cord injury association. Joining the support group allows you to meet other people who have the same injury and to learn how to cope with your own injuries through their own experiences. Joining the support group also gives you a place to ask the many questions you likely have about your injury and your life after injury.

2) A Florida personal injury attorney. A good Florida personal injury attorney is essential to your support team. Your attorney can help you determine the cause of your accident and can therefore help you gain some closure from what has happened. In addition, a personal injury attorney can protect your rights and can ensure that you get all the financial resources you are entitled to under the law. This is often vital in helping you recover more fully and in helping you secure the best possible medical treatment.

3) Healthcare professionals. Depending on the injuries you have sustained, you may require the services of a plastic surgeon, family practitioner, rehabilitation expert, and specialist. It will likely take a nursing staff as well as other health-care professionals in order to treat your injury. Good health care professionals working together can help ensure that you achieve the maximum recovery and can ensure that your recovery is comfortable with as few complications as possible.

4) Counselors or therapists. A truck accident often results in emotional as well as physical trauma. After an accident, you may feel angry, depressed, anxious, fearful, and a host of other emotions. Sometimes, you may even feel as though you are feeling all these emotions at once. A qualified therapist or counselor can help you make sense of your emotions and can help you feel better emotionally as you recover physically from your injuries.

5) Family and friends. Family and friends are an essential part of the equation as you recover from your accident. At first, many patients wish to push away family and friends. Some patients do not wish to receive sympathy or pity, while others worry about rejection or the possible reactions of family and friends to their injuries. However, maintaining a good relationship with family and friends is vital. Support is important to your emotional and physical recovery. Family and friends can cheer you up and cheer you on as you recover. If you are struggling with your relationships, a therapist or counselor can help with group counseling and can ensure that your relationships stay strong as you work on strengthening your body after your accident.