Car Accidents Involving Bicycles in Fort Lauderdale

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there have been 5949 bicycle accidents reported in Florida so far this year, and 602 in Broward County alone. So far, there have been 163 fatalities from these collisions across the state. Unfortunately, Florida has the distinction of having one of the highest bicycle collision fatality rates in the country, and each year riders in Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas are seriously injured or killed when their bikes collide with cars.

Common Causes for Fort Lauderdale Bicycle Accidents

There are many reasons for bicycle crashes in Fort Lauderdale:

  • Motorists may not see bicyclists on the road
  • Speeding
  • Inebriated drivers or riders
  • Poor signage
  • Poor road maintenance
  • Drivers not looking for traffic before opening car doors
  • Bicyclists not noticing open car doors

Preventing Bicycle Accidents

Both drivers and riders can help prevent bicycle-car collisions in Fort Lauderdale. Drivers can help by:

  • Checking for on coming bikes before opening their car doors
  • Driving defensively
  • Checking blind spots
  • Scanning the roads for smaller vehicles, pedestrians, and bikes
  • Driving sober
  • Giving bicyclists plenty of room
  • Putting away distractions when driving
  • Being respectful of other users of the road, including bicyclists
  • Using signals correctly
  • Using extra caution in bad weather and at night

Bicyclists can reduce their risk by:

  • Staying visible using lights and reflective gear
  • Checking for drivers and making eye contact to ensure visibility
  • Obeying all traffic rules and riding safe
  • Using biking trails instead of busy streets at least some to the time to reduce the risk
  • Being respectful of other users of the road, including drivers
  • Using signals correctly and staying predictable
  • Being extra caution in low-visibility situations, such as bad weather or nighttime
  • Wearing a helmet every time they drive
  • Driving with the traffic, just like a car
  • Sticking to bike lanes when they are available
  • Giving motorists room and staying out of blind spots when possible

What Happens If You are in a Collision With a Bicyclist

If your car hits a bicyclist, you will need to stop your car and offer help. Exchange contact information and avoid getting into a discussion about what may have caused the collision. Neither of you are likely car accident specialists, so it is best to let a legal team determine liability. At the scene, get as much documentation as you can, taking photos of the scene from multiple angles and the surrounding area.

In a car collision involving a bicycle, sometimes one part is automatically blamed, even if they are not at fault. Speaking with a personal injury attorney if you have been injured is important to establish the facts of the case and to seek compensation for your injuries.

Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a car accident claims attorney in Fort Lauderdale. Our legal team has secured tens of million of dollars for plaintiffs in South Florida and in a free accident consultation we can discuss whether you have a claim and how much your claim may be worth.