Child Injuries and Car Accidents in Hollywood and Florida
The National Science Foundation and The University of Pennsylvania have teamed up for a research study to help prevent child injuries and deaths caused by car accidents. Researchers are looking at video data captured from school bus accidents to determine what cases specific injuries to children in an accident. They are also using computer simulation models and accident information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to learn more about child spinal cord trauma. The goal of the project is to find ways to prevent injuries such as spinal cord injuries that children suffer in traffic accidents.
While this data may be useful in preventing future child injuries in Hollywood and across the country, each year children are seriously injured due to traffic accidents. According to safety experts, there are several things that parents can do to prevent injuries caused by traffic accidents in Hollywood:
1) Use child appropriate safety restraints and devices. Experts agree that these devices should be used every time a child is in the car and should be used for as long as the child meets height and weight requirements for the devices. Safety devices include car seats for babies and toddlers and a combination of booster seats and seat belts for older children.
2) Have children sit in the back seat. In a side-impact collision, the rear seat of the car is the safest place for your child. It provides the largest crumple zone in the event of a car accident. In addition, the side impact and passenger air bags common in newer models can be dangerous for children and the back seat of the vehicle protects children from these devices.
3) Reduce the risk of a car accident by handling any health issues. Many drivers have health issues that cause drowsiness, poor motor skills, and other issues that can affect their driving ability. It is important when being diagnosed with a new condition to speak with your doctor about how the condition or your medication can affect your driving ability so that you do not put yourself and your children at risk on the road.
4) Improve your driving skills to prevent collisions. Many motorists overestimate their driving abilities and assume that they are stronger drivers than they actually are. Many motorists also do not develop their skills set and driving after their initial driver’s license has been secured. This can be a big problem, especially if mobility issues affect a person’s driving abilities later on in life. Getting refresher courses, especially if you have had near misses or feel that your driving is not up to snuff, can be an important way of preventing accidents and injuries.
5) Drive a safer car. Get your car maintained regularly and buy a car that has good safety features that can help protect your child and other passengers. Check safety ratings, products liability claims in Hollywood, and recall notices to ensure that your car model is not affected by safety issues that could put your child at risk.
If your child has been injured in a car accident, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Even if you’ve been injured in a car accident and think that car insurance covers you, contact our personal injury attorneys for a consultation. You may not be as covered as you think and pursuing fair compensation can help you secure the best possible medical care for your child.