Suffering from Chronic Pain After a Severe Car Crash
Chronic pain is defined as any pain that lasts longer than six months. It can be mild or severe, dull or sharp, and it can affect any part of the body. Most people who have suffered this condition after a severe car crash in Hollywood or Florida find that their lives are forever changed with long-term pain.
Chronic pain takes a significant physical and emotional toll on victims. Because there is often no treatment available for the specific cause of the pain – in most cases, chronic pain after a traffic accident is caused by long-term injury and can’t necessarily be solved immediately – patients may feel a sense of helplessness. They may get angry or frustrated. It can take months for the pain to go away because it may take months for the injury to heal, and in the meantime patients may not be able to live fully due to the pain.
Chronic pain after a serious car or truck accident in Hollywood can affect an entire life
Chronic pain is a large-scale problem. People who experience chronic pain may also suffer from:
- Sleep disturbances
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Mood changes
- Personality changes
- Irritability
- A weakened immune system
- Withdrawn behavior
- Feelings of hopelessness or fear
For many people, long-term pain becomes a disability that prevents them from living their life fully, returning to work, earning an income, and enjoying their lives.
Options for those suffering from chronic pain
While being in constant pain or frequent pain for months or even years can seem hopeless, there are many resources and sources of support for people with this condition.
If you have suffered from chronic pain, it is important to speak to your doctor. There may be pain management techniques as well as options to help deal with the emotional stress and anxiety of pain. You may be given medication to help control your symptoms, for example, and you may be asked to take part in counseling, therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or other systems of support to help deal with depression, trauma, and the other emotional and mental pressures of severe, long-term pain.
Dealing with chronic pain can be expensive, which is why it’s important to document it early and to seek compensation for your injuries. If you have suffered severe and long-term pain due to a traffic accident, contact a personal injury attorney with experience in car accidents in Hollywood or your community. An attorney can fight for fair compensation so you can pay for all the therapy, medication, treatment, and care you need to live your life as fully as possible after your collision.
If you’d like to speak to a personal injury attorney who has handled thousands of car accident, traffic accident, and personal injury cases in southern Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group. Our law firm would be pleased to offer a free, no obligation consultation so you can find out what options exist for getting benefits and compensation after your accident.