How to Collect Benefits After a Miami Springs Truck Crash

If you have lost a loved one in a Miami Springs truck accident, you will likely be facing not only enormous grief but also financial distress, especially if the person you have lost was an income earner. In addition to losing the income, you may also face final medical expenses, memorial expenses, and other costs. You will need to pay for final taxes as well as any debt that the loved one may have had. For many families, this means that Miami Springs traffic accidents become not only a time of grief but also a time of financial distress. In many cases, you may qualify for benefits if you have lost a loved one to a Miami Springs car accident or traffic accident. You may qualify for:

1) Insurance policies. If your loved one had life insurance or car insurance, the beneficiary will be paid the insurance after a death certificate is provided. In many cases, the insurance amount is doubled in the event of an accident, so make sure that you confirm the insurance amount. It is important to get insurance money quickly, since final expenses may be considerable after an accident. Some insurance carriers will allow you to accept a payment plan or get a lump sum. You may wish to talk to a financial adviser to determine which plan is right for you and your family.

2) Social Security Benefits. Families may qualify for Survivors’ Benefits for a Spouse and Children or for One-Time Death Benefits if a loved one contributed to the social security program in the last ten years. If you are not sure whether your family qualifies, you can find out by contacting the Social Security Administration (SSA).

3) Employer benefits. If your loved one was working, he or she may be owed a paycheck and other benefits. He or she may also have been insured by the employer and the surviving family may qualify for the insurance money. It is also a good idea to contact all past employers to determine whether the family qualifies for any pension plan payments. In cases where your loved one sustained their fatal accident while at work, the family may qualify for worker’s compensation.

4) Veteran’s benefits. If your loved one was a member of the armed forces, the family may qualify for a lump-sum payment for burial expenses and may qualify for additional benefits in some cases. You can learn more from your Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) office or through your funeral home director.

In addition to these benefits, you may qualify for compensation under the law if the traffic accident was caused by someone’s recklessness or negligence. In these cases, you may be able to pursue a legal claim which allows you to seek damages which can help cover some of the costs related to losing a loved one in an accident. While the money will not bring your loved one back, it can help keep your family financially secure as you start to heal.

If you’re looking for a Miami Springs personal injury attorney, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free appointment to discuss your case and your rights. Your free accident consultation allows you to ask questions and to get information with no cost and no obligation. The Flaxman Law Group is a full-service law firm with decades of experience in trial law and negotiations.