Mistakes That Lead to Miami Gardens Truck Accidents

A few common mistakes that drivers make tend to cause a significant portion of car and truck accidents in Miami Gardens and other Florida communities. These mistakes are:

1) Cars overtaking a truck on the left where there are two lanes. This commonly occurs on merge lanes and in situations where merge lanes end. In some cases, a car will try to pass the truck, only to have the truck sideswipe the vehicle because the truck driver cannot see the smaller car.

2) Speeding. Trucks take longer to slow down and stop when compared with passenger cars, so when cars speed around commercial trucks collisions can easily happen. When trucks speed, they can rollover and when speeding truck drivers can lose control of the vehicle. When cars speed, they can cause serious collisions with other vehicles on the road.

3) Not being in mental or physical shape to drive. Driving is one of the most tasking thing most of us do every day. Being ill, tired, distracted, inebriated, or otherwise unable to drive can result in a collision. To prevent truck and car accidents in Miami Gardens and across the country, there are federal rules governing truck drivers. For example, truck drivers must get specific amounts of rest, are subject to drug and health checks, and must not text while driving. The rules are far less strict for passenger car drivers. Nevertheless, both passenger car and truck drivers have a responsibility to prevent drunk driving accidents in Miami Gardens and other communities as well as other types of preventable accidents caused by fatigue, distraction, and other issues.

4) Following too closely. Trucks take extra time to stop, so following a truck too closely or being followed too closely by a truck can lead to collisions. When trucks follow passenger cars too closely, for example, override accidents in Miami Gardens and other communities are a common result. When the passenger can has to stop suddenly, the truck often cannot stop in time, resulting in an override. When cars tailgate trucks, the bulk of the truck hampers visibility and if the truck has to make a sudden stop, a rear-end collision in the likely result.

5) Not following traffic laws. Some drivers take shortcuts, running the occasional stop sign or not signaling properly. The traffic laws, lights, and signs are there for a reason. Ignoring them, even occasionally, dramatically increases the risk of an accident.

If you have been injured in a truck accident in Miami Gardens or another community, it can be hard to get answers about what has caused the accident – and it can be even harder to get fair compensation for your injuries. If you have been injured due to someone’s negligence or recklessness, however, you may be eligible for compensation that can help pay for medical costs, lost income, and other costs. To find out whether you are eligible, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange a free accident consultation to review your situation with a personal injury attorney.