Dealing with Chronic Pain After a Car Collision in Hollywood
Car accidents lead to many serious conditions, including spinal cord injuries, head injuries, amputations, and fractures. One of the difficult things after a car accident in Hollywood or your community will be dealing not only with the injury itself, but also with the pain and suffering it will cause.
Unfortunately, some people who are several injury in a car or truck crash in Hollywood or their community will suffer chronic pain. For doctors, chronic pain is defined as significant pain that is widespread over the body and lasts for three months or more. For back injury patients in Hollywood and patients who have suffered soft tissue injuries or other injuries, chronic pain can be debilitating and can last for many months or even years. For some, it becomes a life-long condition.
It is important to acknowledge and address chronic pain, since this condition can have a profound impact on your life. It can cause fear or even panic attacks, anxiety, sleep disorders, and many other issues. In fact, it can affect every area of your life, including your physical and mental well-being. At its worst, it can prevent you from returning to your daily activities and can leave you feeling isolated and afraid or depressed.
According to doctors and the American Psychological Association, there are several things that you will want to do if you suffer from severe pain or chronic pain:
1) Speak with a doctor and get medical treatment. Depending on your situation, your doctor may recommend surgery, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, acetaminophen, or other solutions to help with the condition.
2) Take care of your mental health. Chronic pain can take a toll on your mental health and can lead to frustration, anger, and other issues. It can be useful to meet with a support group or even a psychologist if you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed.
3) Practice stress reduction. Being in constant, significant pain can be very stressful. Stress, in turn, can make you tense, which can increase some types of pain and can make managing pain more difficult. Some patients find that yoga or meditation help, while others look for other ways to handle stress. It can be helpful to try a few different techniques to find one that helps you.
4) Take care of yourself physically. Staying hydrated, rested, and eating good food can help you feel better. At the very least, taking care of yourself reduces your risk of illness, which can add even more pain. Some patients find that changing their diet under a doctor’s supervision or introducing certain types of exercise also helps reduce pain.
5) Look to alternative therapy and healing options. There are many types of therapy that have been shown to be effective for some patients suffering chronic pain. Some studies have shown positive results from biofeedback, hypnosis, visual imagery, relaxation training, acupuncture, and other options. Talk to your doctor or try a few options yourself. Just keep in mind that some of these solutions may not be covered by your health insurance. You may want to speak with a personal injury attorney in Hollywood or your community to find out whether you qualify for compensation that could help defray some of the costs.
To speak with a compassionate and professional personal injury attorney about your injuries, contact Flaxman Law Group at any time to arrange a free accident consultation.