Do I Have a Claim if Weather Played a Role in My Crash?

Rain. Glaring sun. Hurricanes. Florida drivers sometimes have to put up with a lot on the road. While none of us control the weather, it is expected that we take proper care to adjust out driving and speed for the conditions. If drivers fail to do so, they can be held liable for injuries they cause.

Preventing Bad Weather Accidents

All motorists and users of the road have an obligation to adjust their deriving for the weather. Here’s how:

  • Slow down: Speeding is especially dangerous in wet weather, when your car may skid if you have to brake suddenly. Speeding in poor visibility conditions also reduces the amount of time you have to respond to an unexpected obstacle in the road. In poor weather, you may need to drive under the speed limit and sometimes even quite slowly to stay safe.
  • Stay off the road if the weather is really bad: If you don’t have to drive in bad weather avoid it. If you’re caught in a storm where you can’t see in front of you, decide whether you need to pull over with all flashers on and wait it out.
  • Leave more room: In slippery, wet conditions and with reduced visibility, you want more room to brake.
  • Take care of your car: Pay special attention to your tires. Worn treads and bad brakes can make dealing with a heavy rainstorm even more dangerous.
  • Account for reduced visibility: Fog, driving rain, flying debris, bright sun glare, and other dangers make it hard to see in front of you correctly. Use your sun visors, lights, and windshield wipers correctly to improve your visibility. Make sure your headlights are on so other cars can see you in bad weather, but keep in mind that having high beams on can sometimes reflect off heavy rain and fog, making visibility worse.
  • Drive defensively: In bad weather, always expect the unexpected. You might not notice a bicyclist or motorcycle until the last minute or the vehicle in front of you may skid suddenly. Being fully focused on driving and thinking a few moves ahead can help in these situations.

Do I Have a Claim After My Hollywood Collision?

While motorists do not control the weather, if they speed in bad conditions or take other risks, they can be held liable if they cause a collision and injuries because of their recklessness. If you have been harmed by a negligent driver, you may be able to seek financial recovery for lost wages, medical bills, property damage, and the other losses you suffer.

If you’re not sure whether you have a Hollywood car accident personal injury claim or would like to know how much your claim may be worth, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience on both sides of the court room. Our previous experience in the insurance industry is especially invaluable when negotiating with insurance carriers on your behalf. Our free accident consultation helps you understand your legal options so you can make a decision that’s right for you.