Early July Storms Highlight the Dangers of Miami Truck Accidents

Summer storms in the Mid-Atlantic region have caused power outages and Florida Power and Light workers as well as workers from other states have been sent to the area to help restore power. The massive amounts of crews and trucks sent to the area, as well as the damage caused by the storms, however, do increase the risk of truck accidents for utility workers. In fact, Florida resident and utility worker Jacqueline Green was killed earlier in the week as part of her job. Summer storms are a reality for the Florida region, but they can lead to an increase in Miami truck accidents in a number of ways:

1) Downed power lines, debris, and fallen trees can create obstacles that can lead to Miami car accidents and truck accidents. Storms create a lot of damage and this can lead to poor road conditions as well as unexpected obstacles. If possible, stay off the roads during a storm, as poor visibility as well as blowing debris can easily result in a Miami traffic accident. If you need to venture out after a storm, make sure that you stay extra alert for possible obstacles on the road. If you see power lines or trees down, wait until you are pulled over or back home before reporting them.

2) Power outages can lead to malfunctioning traffic signs and lights. This can cause traffic congestion as well as accidents if drivers do not treat an intersection with downed traffic lights as a four-way stop. If traffic signs and lights are not working correctly after a storm, make sure that you yield right of way.

3) Serious storms can lead to more utility trucks on the roads – especially utility trucks from other areas. This can mean more traffic on the road but also more truck drivers who may not be familiar with the area. This can easily lead to Miami car accidents involving these trucks. It is especially a problem since utility workers may need to make frequent stops or may need to park in the middle of the street in order to fix power lines and other utilities. After a serious storm, stay alert for extra truck traffic and give utility trucks extra room to work to restore power.

4) Serious storms can lead to utility work on the roads, resulting in road closures and detours. Utility workers often work around the clock after a storm and are under pressure to get services up and running again. This puts utility workers at risk, especially if they need to work on a busy road. Of you see utility workers trying to restore power or working on lines, slow down, give them extra room and follow any signs you see. Utility workers are at risk of Miami pedestrian accidents on the job, and using extra caution can help keep these workers safe as they restore essential services to the city.

If you are injured in a Miami traffic accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to learn about your options and rights. The Flaxman Law Group is happy to meet with new clients at no charge and with no obligation. Your free accident consultation is your chance to discuss your case with an attorney who can help you understand your options.