How Elderly Drivers Can Reduce Hollywood Car Crash Injuries
Elderly drivers have some habits that can help them avoid injury and car accidents. According to statistics, older drivers have more experience behind the wheel and are less likely to drink and drive than many younger drivers. In addition, senior drivers are statistically more likely to obey the speed limit and wear their seat belts.
Unfortunately, senior drivers do face some challenges when driving. They can have a higher risk of car accidents when compared with other age groups. They are also more likely to be seriously or fatally injured in a car accident. Age-related conditions such as osteoporosis can mean more fractures and more serious fractures while other medical conditions can complicate car accident injuries.
According to safety experts, there are several things senior drivers can do to help prevent car collisions in Hollywood and across South Florida:
1) Keep lines of communication with your doctor open.
Good health can help you remain a better driver. If you have a doctor in Hollywood or your South Florida community, visit them for scheduled checkups or when you notice new symptoms. Follow your doctor’s advice about your health.
2) Be proactive about your health.
Regular exercise and a good diet can help you stay healthier and can help enhance your mobility, making you safer behind the wheel.
3) Take care of your eyes.
Visit an eye doctor every year and wear the right prescription of glasses or contact lenses so you can see properly.
4) Check your medications regularly.
Both over-the-counter and prescription medication can affect mobility and your driving. Talk to both your pharmacist and your doctor about the medications and supplements you are taking. Make sure none of them can lead to dizziness, drowsiness, or any other symptom that could be dangerous on the roads.
5) Plan your routes carefully.
Before driving, check the weather and the traffic conditions. Decide on the safest route to drive and reduce distractions in the car. Knowing what to expect and consciously selecting the safest route could help you avoid a crash.
6) See a driving rehabilitation professional if you need to.
If you have a chronic condition or have had a number of near-misses in the past few years, get evaluated by a driving rehabilitation professional. You can find one through your doctor or phone book. A professional can evaluate your driving and can offer advice about devices to help you become a safer driver. For example, if you have had a stroke or other serious medical condition, a rehab professional may recommend occupational therapy or other treatment. In other cases, a professional may recommend pedal extenders, a thicker steering wheel, or other car changes to make driving easier and safer for you.
If you have been in a car accident in Hollywood and South Florida and would like to know whether you have a legal claim, contact Flaxman Law Group. Our law firm works closely with plaintiffs to support them every step of the way throughout their claims. Your first consultation with us is free and comes with no obligation, so feel free to reach out to our friendly staff today.