Even in Florida, Winter is a Time for Brain Injuries
In states with significant snowfall and other winter weather, brain injuries are a serious concern. Winter sports such as skating and skiing pose a significant risk of injury, while winter conditions often contribute to car accidents and slip and fall accidents which can lead to serious head injuries. However, while Florida is lucky enough to enjoy beautiful weather even in the winter, Florida brain injurieshttps://flaxmanlaw.com/lawyer-attorney-1121037.html are still a concern in the winter months.
Many Florida residents leave the state to enjoy skiing, sledding, and other winter activities in snowier states. Residents can easily sustain serious injuries during these sports. Since winter sports take place on ice and slopes, injuries are quite common, especially among participants with little or no experience. Slippery surfaces and unfamiliar equipment can easily lead to falls and serious spinal cord injuries and brain injuries. According to experts, there are many ways to help prevent this type of accident when enjoying winter activities:
1) Start simple. It is important to stay within your experience range. If you have never been skiing, get some instruction and stay on slopes that match your skill level. If you are new to skating, try skating at an indoor rink near the walls so that you can grab them for support.
2) Wear the right equipment. Work with a sports store or rental outfitter that can help you select the right equipment in the right size. Incorrectly fitted equipment can make you easily lose your balance and can easily lead to an accident.
3) Wear a helmet. Many brain injuries on ski slopes, sled slopes, and ice rinks can be prevented by the use of a properly-fitted helmet. Ice surfaces are very hard, so it is essential to protect your head with a helmet. The helmet cushions the head in the event of a fall and helps prevent brain injury.
4) Try winter activities when you are physically ready. Avoid taking to the slopes (or the skating rink) when you are tired, drinking, or unwell. Accidents are more likely when you are not physically fit. As well, try to get in shape by exercising regularly throughout the year – weekend warriors are more likely to be hurt because their bodies cannot always handle the sudden muscle exertion.
If you have sustained a person injury from a winter sport, contact the legal team at the Flaxman Law Group to find out if you have a case. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group is highly experienced, having handled thousands of cases in Miami, Homestead, Hollywood, and throughout Southern Florida. Call today to set up a free, non-obligation consultation.