Fender Benders Can Mean Big Costs in Homestead and Florida
Often, when drivers in Homestead or in Southern Florida are in a minor car accident, they trust that their insurance company will handle the costs. Unfortunately, many motorists also underestimate the costs of so-called fender benders in Homestead and Florida.
The reality is that even so-called minor accidents can add up to big losses and costs. Your insurance company, even if you have been paying premiums for years, may not necessarily pay for the full costs. You need to carefully consider whether you need to work with a Homestead car accident attorney after your accident.
How Much Money?
If you have been in a minor car accident in Homestead or Hollywood or anywhere in southern Florida, your costs may include:
- Car repair or replacement costs: If your car has been damaged, you may need to pay a mechanic to fix it or you may need to pay to replace the entire car. In a minor accident, even scratches and a paint job can end up costing hundreds of dollars.
- Personal property damage: if you had anything of value in your car, such as your laptop, camera, phone, or anything else of value which was damaged in the accident, you may need to pay to replace these items. This alone can easily add up to thousands of dollars.
- Legal costs: If someone accuses you of causing the accident, you may need to pay legal costs in order to defend yourself. If you need to take your insurance company to court in order to get fair compensation, these legal costs also need to be considered.
- Financing costs: If you were paying for your car with a lease or through financing, you need to continue meeting your financial obligations after the accident, even if your car is suddenly worth less. This can be devastating if you also lose work because of your collision.
- Medical bills: Medical bills can quickly add up after car accident. You may need to visit an emergency room if you have suffered any potential head injury for if you develop soft tissue injuries or symptoms a few hours or a few days after your accident. Unfortunately, if you develop symptoms gradually, your insurance company may claim that your injuries were caused by something other than the accident. You may also need to pay for medication, medical bills, follow up appointments, appointments with specialists, and other medical costs. Unfortunately, many people in minor accidents assume they have no injuries only to find out later they have whiplash or another condition which they need to pay to treat.
- Lost time at work: A car collision can result in a decrease in income. You may be unable to return to work for a few days or even a few weeks following a relatively minor accident if you develop symptoms or if you are too shaken up to work.
- Future medical costs: even if you have a so-called minor accident, you may have future medical costs. You may need to get follow up medical appointments or your doctor may want to run a scan or an MRI to rule out soft tissue injuries or head injuries. These costs can add up.
- Lost employment opportunities: If you were about to get a promotion at work, missing even a few days of work can mean you get passed over for new opportunities. If projects are being assigned at your work, missing even a few hours could mean employment opportunities.
- Incidental costs: There are many incidental costs after a seemingly minor car accident. You may need to take taxis home after the collision. You may need to rent a car. There may be many minor injuries and damages you may need to handle. Even replacing your cell phone with a temporary one because it has been damaged can add up.
- At-home costs: if you have been injured, you may need help at home even if your injuries are not serious. For example, if you have hurt your wrist or hands, you may need to hire help around the house for even a day or two to help you out while you are injured.
Before you dismiss your injuries as minor and a car accident as not serious enough to need an attorney, take the time to add up your injuries. if you have trouble securing fair compensation or you feel that you are owed more in compensation, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood car accident attorney.