Financial Emergencies After a Crash Are More Common Than You Think
Drivers and passengers who have been injured in traffic accidents in Hollywood and South Florida often face a lot of financial pressure. Someone who has sustained a fracture, serious head injury, or soft tissue injury may be unable to work and may lose wages or income while they recover. They may also face considerable hospital bills and incidental expenses – such as getting their car repaired or paying for a rental while the car is in the shop.
For those who have been permanently injured, the financial picture can be even more frightening. Someone who has been permanently injured may never be able to return to work and may face significant financial challenges. How can you earn an income and pay for living expenses if you can no longer work due to serious injury? How can you pay for medical expenses and medical costs if you have been injured and can no longer return to work – which can mean that you are no longer qualified for your employer-provided medical benefits?
Even paying the basic bills can be difficult if you have been injured. The money that you spend on repairing your car or your hospital visit can be money that you need for bills and everyday living expenses. How can you survive financially? There are several solutions:
1) Find out about insurance and other benefits.
Find out what is covered by your medical coverage, car insurance, and other insurance packages. Will your employer pay if you are injured and cannot go to work? How much of your hospital bill is covered by your medical coverage? What is covered by your car insurance company? To find out, you can contact the insurance companies or your employer directly or you can speak with a personal injury attorney who can represent you in discussions with insurance providers.
2) Get legal advice immediately.
One of the best things you can do if you have been injured and are facing financial panic is to consult with a personal injury attorney. A South Florida or Hollywood personal injury attorney can help you understand whether you have legal options and can help negotiate with insurance carriers so that you get fair benefits. In many cases, an attorney can also help direct you to local resources that can help you after your accident.
3) Start budgeting immediately.
Don’t wait until you can’t pay your bills. Immediately following your accident, start trimming expenses and create a budget to help you understand what needs to be paid and what can wait. Focus on protecting your credit rating by paying the minimum balance on your credit card and make arrangements to pay for any bills you can’t immediately afford. Reduce any spending that isn’t necessary and keep receipts of everything related to your injuries so that you can claim them when you file a claim with your insurance company.
4) Seek resources that can help you.
There may be many local resources that can help you. For example, advocacy groups that help injured patients or car accident survivors can help you find organizations that can provide you with some financial assistance. Advocacy groups can also provide you with tips on living frugally or making the most of your budget.
No two roadway accidents are the same. If you have been injured, your case and legal claim may be very different from a nearly identical accident or even from the case of someone else injured in the same accident. At Flaxman Law Group, we believe that each person deserves an honest, thorough, and personalized analysis of their legal situation. It’s why we offer a free accident consultation to all new clients. If you have been injured, simply give us a call and we can meet with you in our offices or in your home, workplace, or hospital room to discuss your case. We can help you understand whether you have a legal claim and can help you understand how much that claim may be worth. We can address your questions and represent you if you decide to pursue a legal claim or negotiate your insurance benefits.