Flooding and Car Accidents
Flooding in South Florida is not uncommon, especially along coastal areas and after tropical storms and hurricanes. Unfortunately for drivers, flooding is a major danger on the roads and can lead to devastating car collisions in Hollywood and across the region.
Flooding can cause you to lose control of your car, can cause your brakes to fail, and can even carry your vehicle away in rapidly-moving waters. Flooding can also tear down street signs and power lines, causing confusion and charged water posing a risk of electrocution. Even after the waters recede, damage to the streets can mean added dangers for drivers.
Here are a few ways to stay safe, even in extreme weather and flooding conditions.
1) Take flooding seriously.
Motorists sometimes think there needs to be many feet of water for a car to be in danger, but that’s not the case. Even though your car is heavy, it can float in just two feet of water and six inches of water can be enough to move your car off the street or off course, causing you to lose control. One inch or less of water can cause you to lose traction and can cause sliding, leading to a collision.
2) Pay attention to the news.
Before driving anywhere, check weather and traffic conditions. You can set up automatic alerts on your mobile device or phone so you’ll be informed if roads close or if there is flooding in your area.
3) Stay off the streets if you can in flood conditions.
If your area is experiencing extreme weather and flooding conditions, you are safest at home and out of the car. If you don’t have to go out, stay indoors and monitor weather conditions. There is simply no way to drive safely through flooded streets and waters can be unpredictable in extreme weather.
4) Obey traffic signs and rules.
If a bridge or road is closed to flooding, obey the signs and stay out of the way. Even if it looks as though the water is receding or the flooding doesn’t look too bad, you are putting your life (and the lives of your passengers) at risk by going around barricades or by heading into flooded areas.
5) If you find yourself in your car and stuck in a flood, get out.
If your car is stuck in mud or the water is rising around your car, get out the vehicle and seek higher ground immediately. Flood waters can rise very quickly and have enough force to push your car out of the way. You don’t want to be carried away in your car. If your car is still moving, get to the driest area you can, climb out of the car and seek higher ground.
If you have been injured in a car accident and feel the collision may have been caused by negligence, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Although no one is responsible for a flood, authorities are expected to take reasonable steps to keep citizens safe and car manufacturers are expected to create well-designed and safe vehicles. If a car defect or other instance of negligence led to your accident, you may have a claim. To find out more, contact the attorneys at Flaxman Law Group for more information.