Fork Lift Accidents Are a Common Type of Trucking Accident

Fork lifts are a major part of many road construction projects, building projects, and work environments. While many fork lift operators are trained and operate their machinery safely, however, fork lift accidents do cause serious personal injuries each year. Fork lifts can roll over, collide with other vehicles, or cause pedestrian accidents. These machines can cause burn injuries, broken bones, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and even fatalities.

September sees a disproportionate number of fork lift accidents. September sees more fork lift accidents than any other time of year. During the year, more than one person per day dies or needs hospital attention as a result of a fork lift accident. In September, this accident rate nearly doubles. As a result, the Fork Lift Truck Association is organizing a Fork Lift Safety Week for the week of September 21st through the 27th.

SG World will be working with the Fork Lift Truck Association to offer free trials of their Safe-truck system and awareness campaigns will be organized by the Fork Lift Truck Association during the week. In addition, the Fork Lift Truck Association plans to organize other activities to make pedestrians and employees safer near fork lifts.

According to the Fork Lift Truck Association, there are many things that employers can do to prevent fork lift accidents on the job:

1) Maintain good visual and auditory clues. It is important for fork lifts to be visible and easy to hear at all times, especially in poor weather and in areas where pedestrians may be walking. Reflective strips, auditory alarms, lights, and other cues can help alert people when a fork lift is moving through.

2) Post good signage. Employees with signs indicating constriction work is a good way to ensure another pair of eyes on the job. Employees can hold signs and direct traffic but can also ensure that no pedestrians or drivers take unsafe risks near fork lifts.

3) Educate workers. Make sure that fork lift operators have the training and experience to work with the latest equipment. Also, ensure that other employees on site know how to get out of the way and how to safely work near fork lifts.

4) Run frequent visual and mechanical checks. Regular maintenance of fork lifts will ensure that no mechanical failures cause an accident. In addition, regular pre-shift visual checks will ensure that no problem leads to an accident. Any issues or mechanical problems should be resolved right away.