4 Reasons to Call a Car Accident Lawyer, Even With Insurance

Even if you have been paying car insurance premiums, if you’re ever in a traffic accident, there are four reasons you might want to call a car accident attorney:

1) Your insurance company is in it for themselves

While you pay insurance premiums faithfully, your insurance company’s primary focus is on pleasing their shareholders. They can do this by keeping costs low and by paying the minimal amount possible while solving cases quickly. This isn’t always in your best interests.

An attorney, on the other hand, is obligated to work in your best interests, so they can help you get fair compensation.

2) Most people underestimate how much a car accident costs

Even if you have been fortunate enough to sustain injuries from which you expect to fully heal, the costs can be substantial. In addition to any emergency or immediate medical costs, you may have ongoing medical costs for months or years afterwards. For example, if you knocked out a tooth, you will need to replace the crown for the rest of your life. This will increase your dental costs.

In addition, not all injuries heal typically. You may have complications that increase your medical costs substantially. And serious injuries, such as spinal cord injuries and head injuries, can cost up to millions of dollars over a lifetime.

Even small costs such as a rental, taxis, time off of work to care for your health, and other costs can quickly add up. An attorney can work to make sure more of these costs are covered, so they don’t come out of your pocket.

3) You’re at a legal disadvantage

If you don’t know the law inside and out, insurance companies and their teams of attorney have an advantage. Even just reading an insurance offer or your insurance policy can be difficult. What’s covered? Could your car accident not be a covered event? How much can you get?

Determining this from the paperwork can be extremely difficult. Your attorney can explain things to you in plain English. Your attorney also understands the law in depth, so they can make a claim that makes sense in your situation.

4) You may be at a financial disadvantage

We’ve already talked about how expensive car crashes can be. For many people, the expense of a few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars can be financially devastating.

The majority of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. If you don’t have substantial assets you can use to put towards your car accident, you could even end up going into debt because of the costs.

Many attorneys, including Flaxman Law Group, work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t have to pay until and unless they secure a settlement or court win for you. This allows you to pursue a legitimate case without having to worry about the legal costs upfront.

If you need an attorney after a car crash, you can always reach Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 or contact us online at any time to arrange a free accident consultation. We’ve already secured over $100 million for clients and are committed to helping those who have been injured.