Fun (and Safety) At Florida’s Theme Parks and Amusement Parks
If you have friends and family visiting your Miami or Florida home for the holidays, it is likely that you will take your guests out to see the many visitor attractions that South Florida has to offer. If you have children visiting, you will want to visit one of the area’s many theme parks or amusement parks. To keep you visit safe as well as fun, be sure to follow these safety tips:
1) Check and follow all park rules. Read the individual rules for each ride as well as overall rules for the theme park. These rules exist to keep you safe.
2) Watch out for parking lot accidents in Miami and Florida theme park lots. Theme parks attract many visitors and this can mean chaos in the parking lot area. It can be especially easy to get into a collision if your car is full of passengers who are excited about their park visit. Stay focused and drive slowly to get to and from the recreation park safely.
3) When on rides, use common sense. Do not lean out of rides and keep all limbs inside the vehicle until the ride is at a full stop. Use safety bars, harnesses, and other safety features. If you are having a hard time getting seated safely, ask a park employee for help.
4) Consider the health needs of everyone in your group. People with high blood pressure, back issues, cardiac illness, seizure disorders and other chronic conditions may not be able to go on all rides. Call ahead to find out which rides are not advised for certain conditions and ask a park employee for assistance if someone in your group feels ill after a ride.
5) Only head to a water park if everyone knows how to swim. Water slides and rides can be scary for someone who is not used to the water and can cause panic as well as injury.
6) If you notice any unsafe conditions, report them at once to park employees. Many slip and fall accidents and other injuries could be prevented if visitors helped alert staff to any problems. If you notice a spill, broken safety equipment, or other issues, make sure to report the matter so that it can be solved before anyone gets hurt.
Trips to the amusement park should be fun and safe. Park owners and staff have a duty of care to visitors and are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure that visitors stay safe. Parks need to maintain rides correctly, supply the right safety equipment, and set and enforce safety rules. While many parks do all they can in order to provide a safe and fun experience, some have been found to be reckless in safety standards and each year visitors are seriously injured in amusement parks as a result.
If you or anyone in your family has been injured while visiting a recreation or amusement park, contact the law firm of Flaxman Law Group for a free case assessment. Our team of attorneys would be happy to tell you whether you have a claim and how much your potential case could be worth.