Getting Back on the Road after a Traffic Collision
Traffic collisions in Hollywood and Florida can be terrifying and can leave you not only with physical scars and pain, but also emotional trauma. If you have been seriously injured or have been in a serious car accident, it can be difficult to get back behind the wheel. You may be feeling anxious or worried about being in another car accident. You may trust other drivers around you less, making it hard for you to make the right decisions on the roads.
If the idea of getting back on the road leaves you shaky, keep in mind that there are several things you can do to ease back into driving:
1) Talk to your doctor.
Before getting back to driving, talk to your doctor or to any specialists you needed to see for your injuries. Make sure that you are in good physical condition to drive. Even if your doctor gives you the all-clear, make sure that there aren’t any mobility problems or other problems that could affect how safely you operate a car. If there are permanent injuries, speak to a driver rehabilitation specialist about ways to minimize these issues and drive safely.
2) Get support.
Sometimes, the emotional aftereffects of serious car accident can linger for months or even years. If you’re having a hard time driving or returning to normal activities, talk to a doctor, a support group, friends and family, or a professional about your worries. You may be able to take antianxiety medication or there may be simple exercises you can do to restore your confidence and to ease your stress.
3) Don’t rush it.
Sometimes, healing from a serious car accident in Hollywood or your Broward County community takes time. If you don’t feel ready to start driving again, don’t force the issue. Allow yourself to gradually get used to the idea before you reach for your car keys.
4) Find ways to reduce your risk.
You may feel more confident driving if you can find ways to stay safer on the road. Get your car checked out so that it is safe to drive and consider getting refresher courses from a driving instructor or sign up for defensive driving classes. You may feel more confident if a professional driving instructor tells you that you are ready to drive.
5) Start small.
Don’t go from not driving at all to going on a long road trip. Start with small, low stress driving situations. Drive around the block or drive your usual route. Stay away from the road where you had your accident. Consider whether you feel more comfortable with a passenger the first few times you drive or whether you would feel more comfortable driving alone. Avoid higher stress driving situations — such as driving in heavy traffic or driving late at night — until you feel more comfortable.
Have you been in a serious car accident? Are you worried about returning to everyday activities or paying your bills? There may be compensation available to you under Florida law, but you need to understand how the law works in order to file the strongest claim possible. If you would like assistance or legal advice about your situation, you can always contact Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation case review.