Halloween Driving Tips for Hollywood Residents

Halloween is a fun time for children and adults alike to dress up and enjoy some candy. Unfortunately, while trick-or-treating may be less common this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, some children are still sick trick-or-treating. In addition, people may be heading out for parties and events. Many communities in South Florida are creating their own rules for having a spooky yet safe holiday.

In addition to the risk of the pandemic, Halloween does come with its risk of car collisions. To avoid them, you will want to:

1) Slow down. Children who are excited by the holiday may inadvertently run out onto the road. Even if they know the rules of the road, they may forget in the excitement of Halloween. There also tends to be heavier traffic and more pedestrian traffic on Halloween, even though this year some experts think the crowds will be reduced because of the pandemic. In either case, slow down and stay alert.

2) Expect the unexpected. Drive defensively and expect to be surprised. Keep in mind that some people may be using strobe lights as part of their decorations or may be shining flashlights as they walk around for trick-or-treating, which can be a distraction for you as a motorist. Prepare yourself for this additional danger of driving.

3) Keep your property well-lit: Halloween decorations are fun, but make sure that they don’t interfere with your ability to drive or with other people’s ability to drive. Even if you want to create a creepy atmosphere, ensure there is enough light for pedestrians and visitors to see. If your decorations cause a collision or any injury, you could face a premises liability claim.

4) Put away distractions: With extra children and pedestrians running around, make sure you put away all distractions, such as mobile devices and anything which takes your mind off your driving or your eyes off the road.

5) Use extra caution on Halloween Have a backup plan if you go to a party, just in case you do end up drinking. Be proactive about mapping any routes you are taking and drive defensively. If you don’t need to be out on Halloween, stay home.

6) Keep an eye on the news and on your health: Avoid going out if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, and especially avoid being in a car with others. The enclosed space lets the virus spread more easily. Check the news so you know about any closures or restrictions so you know what to expect.

If you are injured in a car crash in Homestead, Hollywood, or any South Florida community, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood personal injury attorney. A free accident consultation can help you learn whether you have a claim and how much your claim may be worth.