Heat Can Increase Risk of Car Accidents

According to Scientific American, research studies from Iran, the U.S., France, China, and Spain have all concluded that heat can put drivers more at risk of a fatal collision. This study is especially worrying, with so many record-breaking summers in recent years.

If you’re been injured in a car crash in South Florida or in Colorado, you might not know what caused your car accident. Not all collisions have clear, obvious causes. If you’ve suffered an injury, though, you may want to reach out to Flaxman Law Group to speak to a car accident lawyer in Florida or Colorado. There’s no cost and no risk in getting a free consultation at our firm.

What the Research Says About Heat and Car Crashes

According to the research published in Scientific American, cars effectively trap heat, which is why leaving a child alone in a car is dangerous—on a warm day, the inside of a car can get dangerously hot in seconds.

In addition, high heat disrupts the body’s and brain’s normal functioning, which can make drivers in high heat situations feel unwell or confused. Hot car interiors can also cause mood disruptions, drowsiness, dehydration and even a decline in cognitive performance and impulse control. All of this can be deadly on our roads.

And it doesn’t seem to take long for heat to have an impact. Italian researchers found that drivers who got into car that had been sitting in a hot parking lot showed more difficulty responding to road conditions, driving in a straight line, and noticing traffic signals when compared to a control group. And these individuals hadn’t been sitting in the heat. They had simply gotten into a hot car.

Heat can also change traffic volume, which can increase car crashes. To put it simply: when the weather is hot and sunny, more people are likely to get in the car to head out to events. When the weather is rainy, more people stay in. Therefore, on hot and bright days, there are more drivers on the roads and more of a risk of collisions.

There is some good news for people living in South Florida, however. According to scientist Connor Wu, heat-related traffic crashes happen less in high-heat areas, like the U.S. southern states. Wu and his team hypothesize that individuals living in hotter climates (like South Florida) may be more used to the heat and therefore somewhat protected from the heat (and they’re more likely to have air conditioning and other ways to stay cool). Colorado drivers may not be so fortunate when a heat wave hits Denver and the rest of the state.

Individually, there are things drivers can do to stay safer on the roads. Check weather forecasts before you drive and avoid long drives on very hot days. Stay hydrated and use the air conditioning system in your car to stay cool. If you become dizzy, confused, nauseous, or otherwise feel unwell while driving, pull over and drink water. Seek medical help if you feel very unwell. Consider talking to your doctor, too. Certain medical conditions and medications can exacerbate the effects of heat, and if you know you’re at risk, you can take extra precautions.

If you’re injured in a car crash anywhere in South Florida or Colorado, it’s important to consider all the factors that could have contributed. It’s the way to find out who the liable parties in your situation could be—and how much you would be able to claim in compensation.

If you’re injured in a car accident anywhere in Colorado or South Florida, it’s not always clear what caused your accident—or whether you have a claim. That’s why our team at Flaxman Law Group makes it free to call us at 866-352-9626 and makes it free to consult with a car accident lawyer on our team.