Hillsboro Beach Wrong Way Accidents Can be Prevented

Wrong way accidents are a type of head-on crash in Hillsboro Beach that can often be fatal. It’s hard to prepare yourself for a car suddenly coming at you at full speed and there may not be time to get out of the way.


Fortunately, there are things we can all do to prevent wrong-way collisions.

  • Avoid distracted driving: Distraction can mean we miss signs indicating one way streets or ramps that are clear marked “do not enter.” Distracted driving in Hillsboro Beach can also mean we have less time to react if someone is in the wrong lane. Put away your phone and other distractions before you get in the car and you may be able to reduce your risk of many kinds of collisions.
  • Drive defensively: Thinking a few moves ahead can reduce the risk of distracted driving by keeping your focus on the road. Driving defensively also gives you the best chance of avoiding a collision if another motorist is driving the wrong way.
  • Avoid drunk driving: The majority of wrong way collisions involve a driver under the influence. Even if you have only had a drink or two, avoid driving even if you are “buzzed.”
  • Get to know the areas where you will be driving: Getting to know where your ramps and exits are and where the “do not enter” signs are located ensures you don’t get disoriented.
  • Avoid fatigued driving: You’re more likely to make mistakes and miss road signs when you’re tired.
  • Talk to elderly loved ones about driving safety: Many wrong-way accidents involve older drivers, and researchers think this may be caused by disorientation and age-related dementia. If you have elderly loved ones, make sure they get regular check-ups, especially if they have had some near misses on the road.
  • Use extra caution when driving at night: Most wrong-way crashes happen at night. This may be because DUIs are more common in the evenings, as are fatigued driving collisions. It may also be because road signs can be harder to see at night, making it easier to get confused.

If you have been in a wrong-way collision, there may be multiple liable parties. Your crash may have been caused by another driver or by poor road design, for example. In this situation, working with an experienced Hillsboro car accident attorney can help you determine whether pursuing a claim is the right step for you.

If you would like to know whether you may have a claim and may be able to seek compensation for medical bills and other losses after your car collision, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience and we’ve already recovered over $100 million on behalf of clients like you.