How to Prevent Tanker Rollover Crashes in Coral Springs

Tanker trucks are used to transport fuel, water, and other liquids. These trucks are also more prone to rollovers than cars and most commercial trucks. According to the CDC, tanker truck rollovers are the leading cause of traffic accident-related deaths for firefighters. Rollovers are also more likely than other truck accidents to lead to fires and serious injuries for truck drivers. The majority of these accidents can be prevented, according to experts, with just a few changes:

1) Regular tire maintenance. Tires that are incorrectly maintained increase the likelihood of a tire blowout and therefore a rollover. Tanker trucks are typically very hard on tires due to the weight of the cargo. It is therefore important to check tires every day for correct tire pressure and for wear and tear. Tires that are worn down may result in truck accidents in Coral Springs and other communities because worn tires are more likely to malfunction. Worn tires are also more likely to lead to collisions since tires without adequate treads can make it harder for a driver to stop without sliding. Tires that are overinflated or underinflated can also cause a tire blowout or can cause the truck driver to lose control of the vehicle.

2) Reducing speed. Many rollover accidents in Coral Springs and other communities are caused by excessive speeds. Although tankers can rollover at speeds as low as 5 miles per hour, in most cases these accidents do involve higher speeds. At higher speeds, it is harder for truck drivers to maintain control of their vehicle and taking turns at high speeds, especially, can lead to rollovers and other types of collisions.

3) Adequate training. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that tanker truck drivers get refresher courses at least twice a year and take part in ongoing training. Additional training is important in order to help prevent truck and car accidents in Coral Springs and other communities because tanker truck drivers need to be prepared to deal with shifting cargo and other risky situations on the road. In some cases, motor carriers pay for additional training and refresher courses for drivers. Drivers in many cases can also access training on their own.

4) Weight distribution. Part of the problem with tanker trucks is that the weight of the liquid shifts frequently, and when liquid sloshes up against the sides of the truck, this can cause imbalance in the weight and can increase the risk of a rollover. It is especially important to be very vigilant when tankers are only partially full. Tanker trucks that are only partly full are especially subject rollovers.

Do you think you may have a truck accident case in Coral Springs or another community in South Florida? Contact the Flaxman Law Group to find out for sure. The Flaxman Law Group is a full-service legal team with a network of professionals to help build a strong case on your behalf. The Flaxman Law Group is pleased to offer free case evaluations to all new clients. If you think you may have a case or want legal advice about your injuries, you can contact the Flaxman Law Group today for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your case.