How to Prevent Truck Accidents Involving Pedestrians
Pedestrian accidents involving a truck are almost always devastating. A pedestrian accident involving a car can easily result in life-threatening injuries such as brain injuries and spinal cord injuries, but the power of a truck is even less of a match for a pedestrian. Pedestrian accidents involving trucks are usually fatal. While trucking companies have an obligation to help prevent trucking accidents, pedestrians can certainly do their part to help prevent these devastating accidents. Here’s how:
1) Pay careful attention around trucks. Whether you are at a truck stop, trying to walk from your car to a restroom or are on your street when moving trucks are trying to offload furniture, stay extra alert. When you see trucks, put away your portable devices and music players and focus on getting to your destination safely.
2) Be careful in construction areas. At this time of year, there are many construction sites around every city. Whether you are trying to walk or ride your bicycle, trucking accidents, pedestrian accidents, and bicycle accidents are very common near and in construction areas. Quite simply, trucks, construction equipment, bicyclists, and pedestrians are not a good mix. Try to avoid construction areas while out walking. Cross the street if you have to. If you must walk through a construction area, make sure workers on the area can see you and walk through as carefully as you can.
3) Make eye contact with the truck driver. You cannot rely on the fact that a truck driver has seen you unless you make eye contact. If you cannot see the driver to make eye contact, you are likely in the driver’s blind spot, so move to where the driver will see you.
4) Listen for audio clues and look for visual clues when trying to get around a truck. Most trucks are equipped with audio devices, lights, and other cues to tell you when a truck is backing up. Never assume that you can just squeeze through before the truck backs up fully. Wait until the truck backs up and the driver waves you through.
5) Stay well clear of a truck. Since trucks are unwieldy and often move slowly in pedestrian areas, pedestrians sometimes get the idea that they can dash around trucks and could get out of the way quickly in the event that the truck moved. This is not always the case and each time you get too close to a truck you are taking a huge risk, especially when you consider that truck drivers likely cannot see you when you stand very close to their vehicle. Give the truck some added room and don’t assume you can move fast enough to move out of the way of danger.