How to Strengthen Your Car Accident Claim in Davie

If you have decided to launch a car accident claim in Davie or any South Florida community, building the strongest case possible may increase your odds of getting fair compensation for your injuries. Here’s how you can build the strongest traffic accident claim in Davie or your community:

1) Hire the right attorney. The right attorney can make a huge difference in your case. An attorney with extensive experience in personal injury claims, insurance company negotiations, and local laws will have the experience and knowledge about how to build the strongest case. He or she will likely be familiar with the local justice system and with the local professionals who will be involved in your case. A full-service law firm that has handled many similar cases to yours will have the resources, private investigators, expert witnesses, and other professionals needed to take care of the case. More importantly, an experienced personal injury attorney in Davie or your community will be able to take care of all the details, so that you can focus on healing.

2) Act quickly. There are statutes of limitations when filing many types of personal injury claims in Florida. In addition, after a traffic accident in Davie, the longer you wait, the less evidence will be available. In addition, if you sign any documentation or accept any insurance money for your injuries, you may find that you’ve signed away some of your rights to pursue a legal claim. For all these reasons, if you’ve been in a car or truck accident in Davie or any other community, it is important to speak with a personal injury attorney right away to discuss your legal options and to discuss the best ways to preserve your rights. Even if you’re not sure whether you want to file a legal claim, an attorney can give you important advice on preserving your right to file a legal claim down the line. An attorney can also help you understand how much your injuries could be worth and how much your case might be worth, both of which are important pieces of information to have when you’re trying to decide whether to launch a lawsuit or not.

3) Gather documentation where you can. As soon as possible, start the documentation process. Make note of the other driver’s insurance and contact information, but also notice much as you can about the scene. Take photos if you can. If you are taken to a hospital, get copies of the police report and any medical reports about your condition. If you have to make any purchases related to your injuries – such as medications, taxicabs to and from doctors’ appointments, and other expenses – keep a list of the expenses, the dates you spend the money, and receipts where you can. Document your injuries, taking photos of any bruising or fractures and keeping a journal of symptoms and the recovery process.

4) Be careful of what you say, sign, and do – both in real life and online. Even saying something as simple as “sorry” at the accident scene may be construed as you taking blame for the accident. Signing documents can also impact your ability to pursue legal action later on. Even posting pictures of yourself on Facebook can have a detrimental effect if they show you looking injury-free. If you decide to file a legal claim, make sure that your attorney takes care of any documentation you may need to sign related to the case. In addition, be sure to discuss with your attorney your social media presence and what you can and cannot say about your accident to others.

Do you need a powerful personal injury attorney in Davie by your side? If you have been injured in a traffic accident anywhere in the South Florida area, contact the Flaxman Law Group today to arrange for a free case evaluation to discuss your situation with a personal injury attorney.