Initiatives to Help Prevent Florida Truck Accidents

There are many state and federal initiatives in place to help prevent Florida pedestrian accidents, truck accidents, and other traffic accidents. For example, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has a number of initiatives in place:

1) The Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) program is available to states interested in preventing car and traffic accidents. This initiative is designed to help states develop high-visibility enforcement programs for traffic laws. The program helps states to target unsafe behaviors and devise programs to target and ticket these offenses in order to encourage drivers to drive more safely. Florida is not currently a participant in this program.

2) The pre-employment screening program (PSP). The PSP helps motor carriers to easily and quickly check driver records online before hiring new truck drivers. A joint initiative between the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation, the PSP allows carriers to learn about safety violations of drivers for a nominal fee, allowing carriers to more easily hire safer drivers.

3) Informational Resources. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration provides a number of resources for truck companies, truck drivers, and passenger vehicle drivers through its website to raise awareness of safety issues. Safety tips and resources such as the Motor Carrier’s Guide to Improving Highway Safety are available at no cost online.

4) Registration. All motor carriers and trucking service providers offering interstate services must by law register with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and must in many cases secure operating authority from the organization before offering interstate services. Motor carriers and companies who have registered receive a USDOT number. The registration process ensures that motor carriers are correctly documented and have passed through basic safety guidelines.

5) Skill Performance Evaluation (SPE) designation. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires all truck drivers with an impairment which may affect their driving to secure SPE certification in order to ensure that all drivers are safe on the roads.

6) The Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Belt Program. This program aims to raise awareness of seatbelt safety and to encourage all motor vehicle drivers to wear a seat belt when getting behind the wheel.

7) The Drug and Alcohol Program. This program is designed to enforce the strict policies against DUI which are in place for commercial truck drivers.

If you have been injured in a Florida truck accident, contact the experienced legal team at the Flaxman Law Group to set up an appointment for a consultation. There is no cost and no obligation for this consultation. The Flaxman Law Group has successfully helped thousands of injury victims in Miami, Hollywood, Homestead, and surrounding South Florida communities. Call today to find out what help the Flaxman Law Group can offer you.